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Australian & New Zealand Comics
Date Unknown | Lang: English (en)
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NotesTHE PURPLE PEOPLE EATER by Terry Trowell, was published by Modern Magazines in 1958. It was inspired by the novelty song written and performed by Sheb Wooley, released in June 1958. The basic idea is the same: a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater travels to Earth, foregoing the joys of eating purple people, with a view to join a rock’n’roll band. The song is odd, but the comic is positively surreal, covering humour from the social commentary of Mad Magazine to the off-the-wall bizarre twists and turns of the Goon Show. Trowell is best known for comics like the Grey Domino and Jet Black, and this is absolutely nothing like those. Read it and find out!
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The Purple People Eater (102 of 116)
   By Downunder Dan
If you've never heard the song, you can see it (performed on the Ed Sullivan show) at . The song is some years older than me, but I recall it from when I was a kid - but I recall it imperfectly. In my memory, it was about a purple pumpkin people eater, and there are no pumpkins in the song. I don't know where that came from, but it's so ingrained in me that I typed that as the name of the comic. I noticed and remove the 'pumpkin' before uploading. I guess I was a weird kid!
   By Downunder Dan
I doubt I need to point out that Nervus Pervus is loosely based on Elvis Presley, the character of Sergeant Tuesday might need some background. There was a very popular TV series named Dragnet, a police procedural that was also highly regarded in terms of its story content, of which we were assured "Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent." Its lead character was Sgt Joe Friday. It began as a radio drama in 1949, and became a TV series in 1951. And the radio series was remade in Australia in 1952, so would have been fresh in Australian memory when this comic was published. You can hear the first Australian episode at (NFSA is the National Sound and Film Archive of Australia)
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