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File nameGay_Comics_01_c2c_ACG__1955__titansfan.cbz
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Book Cover For Gay Comics 1
Gay Comics 1 (3 of 9)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By nenslo
This looks like another example of rejiggering stories from another panel format. Flat topped speech balloons with lots of sky above them, and some pretty crude relettering.
   By Robb_K
All three of the stories in this book were reformatted from 3-tier original printings in other ACG's Comics series, "Ha Ha Comics 24", "Giggle Comics 53", and "Tee Pee Tim Comics 100". They are half-sized(digest size), budget Comics, marked for 7¢ each, but wholesaled in sealed packs of 3 comics, each, and usually retailed that way for from 20 to 25 cents. "Gay Comics1" was sold in mid 1955, along with "Pop Comics1", and "Whee Comics1". There is no date listed on these comics, so they had unlimited shelf life. They were sold mostly in "Five and Dime Discount stores and toy stores. A second pack of these budget comics was made up of "Smile Comics1", "Funny Comics1", and "Tickle Comics1".
Additional Information
Publication1955 | Price: 0.07 USD | Pages: 1
FeaturingHare-Brained Tortoise
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Comic StoryWhy the Crane Stands on One Foot! (11 pages)
FeaturingTeepee Tim
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Children | Characters: Teepee Tim
NotesThe pages from the original printing have been given a new layout with no more than 4 panels per page, expanding it from 6 pages to 11. It has also been relettered from hand lettering to machine lettering.
FeaturingWitch Hazel
CreditsPencils: Bob Wickersham | Inks: Bob Wickersham | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
FeaturingHare-Brained Tortoise
CreditsPencils: Harris Steinbrook (signed) | Inks: Harris Steinbrook (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Tortoise; Hare
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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