Comments |
I'd like to thank MrTimely very much for letting us scan several books from his collection! I'll have some more soon.
Here's hoping there's more books from MrT to come in the future. |
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Additional Information |
Publication | January 1938 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly |
Content | Characters: New Year's Baby of 1938 |
Publisher advertisement | Better Than Ever! |
Featuring | New Adventure Comics |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Notes | Inside front cover. |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Notes | Inside front cover. |
Comic Story | Sandra's Vacation, Part 1 (3 pages) |
Synopsis | Sandra goes on a cruise and is surprised when Michael turns up on the same ship. |
Content | Genre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra; Mr. Ames; Michael; Lucille Du Pont; Baron Von Schmidt |
Comic Story | Vampire Venom (4 pages) |
Synopsis | "Where a moment before there had been empty space, now at the edge of the newly made grave, stand the figure of the corpse and a bat-man!" |
Content | Genre: Adventure; Fantasy |
Featuring | Hanko the Cowhand |
Content | Genre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Hanko the Cowhand |
Comic Story | Part 16 (2 pages) |
Featuring | Pirate Gold |
Content | Genre: Historical | Characters: Captain Dennis; Jeff Roberts |
Synopsis | The adventure over Spike is on his way home, but the Sailor has decided to stay behind. |
Content | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Spike Spalding; Mary Spalding; Pincus; King Philip of Patrania; The Sailor |
Comic Story | Island Adventure, Part 18 (2 pages) |
Synopsis | Woozy tries to decide if he should tell the girl about the treasure. |
Featuring | Woozy Watts |
Content | Genre: Humor | Characters: Woozy Watts; The Girl |
Featuring | Fun Club |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Content | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Pep Morgan |
Comic Story | Alaskan Adventure, Part 13 (2 pages) |
Synopsis | Bob Rescues Dicky and then races for his rocket plane. |
Content | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Bob Merritt; Monk Morton; Dicky Saunders |
Content | Genre: Detective-mystery |
Comic Story | The Murder of Lord Greystone, Part 3 (2 pages) |
Featuring | Mark Marson of the Interplanetary Police |
Content | Genre: Science Fiction | Characters: Mark Marson; Gail Hillary; Monty |
Content | Genre: Adventure; Sports | Characters: Wing Brady; Jim Padgett; Captain Chevigny |
Featuring | Jest Jokes |
Content | Genre: Humor |
Comic Story | The Marijuana Racket, Part 2 (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Johnnie goes after a marijuana peddler. Gets caught, and almost dumped in the river. |
Featuring | Johnnie Law |
Content | Genre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Johnnie Law; Donati |
Notes | continued from issue #25 |
Comic Story | The Marijuana Racket, Part 3 (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Johnnie leads a police raid on the dope gang.Bugs is caught but Donati escapes. |
Featuring | Johnnie Law |
Content | Genre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Johnnie Law; Donati; Bugs Barron |
Comic Story | The Lynching, Part 1 (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Woods attempts to save an innocent man from being lynched. |
Content | Genre: Detective-mystery; Western-frontier | Characters: Jack Woods; Jepson |
Comic Story | Yvonne Darling, Part 2 (2 pages) |
Content | Genre: Children | Characters: Linda; Yvonne Darling |
Comic Story | Episode 18 (2 pages) |
Content | Genre: Historical | Characters: The Queen; Duke of Buckingham |
Featuring | Talk About Talkies |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Synopsis | origin of the word "Dixie" |
Featuring | Money Romance |
Content | Genre: Non-fiction |
Comic Story | King John and the Magna Carta (2 pages) |
Content | Genre: Non-fiction | Characters: Bobby; Binks; King John |
Comic Story | Fang Gow of China, Part 28 (2 pages) |
Synopsis | Barry rescues Jean from Fang Gow's clutches, but is unable to escape himself. |
Content | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Barry O'Neil; Fang Gow; Jean LeGrande; Dr. Bonfils |
Synopsis | Brad and Kardos capture a bull-boar. |
Content | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Brad Hardy; Prince Kardos |
Featuring | Just For Fun |
Content | Genre: Humor |
Comic Story | Boris the Lion, Part 1 (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Marty gets on the bad side of Pete Marko, then agrees to box wrestler Boris the Lion. |
Featuring | Marty McCann |
Content | Genre: Sports | Characters: Marty McCann; Gorilla Greene; Pete Marko; Bradley Reynolds; Boris |
Comic Story | Boris the Lion, Part 2 (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Marko tries to fix the match to get revenge on McCann, but then somebody shoots Boris. |
Featuring | Marty McCann |
Content | Genre: Sports | Characters: Marty McCann; Bradley Reynolds; Boris the Lion; Pete Marko |
Notes | last appearance |
Featuring | Alger's Variety Show |
Content | Genre: Humor |
Notes | Inside back cover. |
Featuring | Johnson Smith & Co. |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Notes | Back cover. |
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a
Creative Commons Attribution License.
More details about this comic may be available in their page here |