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Hello Buddies
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Book Cover For Hello Buddies 80
Hello Buddies 80 (55 of 75)
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Additional Information
PublicationMarch 1957 | Price: 0.25 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
SynopsisA woman has punched her husband unconscious.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
IllustrationVera Miles (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph)
NotesOn inside front cover.
SynopsisA wife is seeing her boyfriend while her husband sees that man's wife.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAfter meeting his girlfriend a man needs to revise his income tax figures.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSweet and Lovely
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man attracts a woman by fanning money at her.
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ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonCavewoman Cleans Leopard Rug (1 page)
SynopsisA cavewoman uses spot remover on her leopard rug.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA coat check girl offers to take a man's coat to her apartment.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingPin-Up Parade
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man marries a follies girl, forcing the manager to reduce the number of girls billed outside his theater.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisTwo old women think a dancer is the club's bouncer.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingThey Kiss and Tell
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAfter being caught with another man a woman claims she was thinking of her boyfriend.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman thinks her boyfriend is 'window shopping' while using his binoculars.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman isn't afraid of her boyfriend being unfaithful to her because he's already married to another woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingHot Shots
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife menaces her husband with a gun to cure his hiccups.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Domestic
SynopsisA wife throws a birthday cake into her husband's face.
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ContentGenre: Humor
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife tries to rouse her husband from bed to read his newspaper.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Domestic
SynopsisAn employer surrounded by beautiful women welcomes a new female employee.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife parks her car sideways in the garage.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Domestic
FeaturingTipsy Tales
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisTwo men at a wishing well see a beautiful woman walk past.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man compliments a woman on how she affects his ulcers.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisGerald's girlfriend thinks the engagement ring he gave her must have cost him one day's pay.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Gerald
SynopsisA secretary complains that her boss is too devoted to his wife.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisFlo's friend has just been married and prefers it to rolling drunks for their money.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Flo
SynopsisA lawyer tells his female client that if she can't get money out of her husband then he won't be able to either.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingTake the Stand!
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA warden offers to reduce a female inmate's sentence in return for favors.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman is said to judge men by the companies they own.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMiss Dale has been romancing her dentist.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Dale
FeaturingWhat's Cookin'?
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAfter a woman runs into a man and drops her groceries he suggests they bring everything back to his apartment for a meal.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man ignores his butcher while ogling a woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSomething for the Boys
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ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonMan Leaves Trail of Money (1 page)
SynopsisA man drops a trail of money to get a woman to follow him.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife knows her husband can't be far away because she crashed their car.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman corners a woman in his office.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingFrom Nine 'Til Five
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman asks his secretary to lean in close for a confidential letter.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisOne clown advises another to take some alcohol instead of painting his face.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingThrowing the Bull
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA husband has met a mermaid and wants a divorce from his wife.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA cavewoman prepares a dinosaur egg for her husband's breakfast.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAfter a man asks where a woman has been all his life she answers him in a literal manner.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingDate Bait
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman finds that new cars are no safer than older models where the male drivers are concerned.
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ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonCouple Elope with Helicopter (1 page)
SynopsisInstead of using a ladder to climb out her window and elope, a woman climbs up to the roof where her lover is waiting with a helicopter.
ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonMan Aims Champagne Cork at Woman's Posterior (1 page)
SynopsisA man opening a bottle of champagne aims the cork so it will hit a woman in her posterior.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisCecile's friend has just been roughed up by a man.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Cecile
FeaturingJoke Parade
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man at an information desk asks a complicated question about pronouns.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisJackson is sweeping a gutter but as he's staring at a woman his co-workers think his mind is in the gutter too.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Jackson
SynopsisA man who just proposed is told to get off his knees so he won't ruin his clothes.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingKnee Action
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA landlord tells a woman she'll be a magnificient view from the apartment room.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA boyfriend defends the ring he gave his girlfriend by explaining his love for her isn't real either.
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ContentGenre: Humor
Text StoryParkers (1 page)
FeaturingPoetic Parodies
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisTwo astronauts find romance on the moon.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Science Fiction
SynopsisMr. Krus' secretary reminds him about his wife's birthday a day too late.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Mr. Krus
SynopsisTwo men have a fight literally over a woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingQuack Cracks
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMiss Bruce is lying on her psychiatrist's lap. His diagnosis: she's starved for attention.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Bruce
SynopsisOne college girl tells another what a man wanted in exchange for a fraternity pin.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingRadio Roundup
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesJokes from Edgar Bergen, Amos 'N Andy and Galen Drake.
SynopsisThree wives at the beach ask another woman to describe the men who were ogling her in the hopes of locating their husbands.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA lost & found clerk offers to come to a woman's house to help her search.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman thinks she's worth more than a $2 marriage license.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingLove Honor and Oh Boy!
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman asks a clerk selling dynamite to make a demonstration.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife thinks the wedding march is she and her husband's song.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAs a couple sit on the roof of their flooded house they hear their doorbell ring.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man put on his father's coat for a date so he could access his father's wallet.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman is a tough construction worker whlie her husband goes to the racetrack all day.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA police detective finds an affectionate witness.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSmall Fry Chatter
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA mother is concerned about her son after he rides on a roller coaster but it's her husband who is shaken by the experience.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Children
SynopsisMay Belle wins a beauty contest because all three judges are her relatives.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: May Belle Sayres
SynopsisAfter a female dancer collapses the theater's manager checks to see if a gynecologist is in the audience.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingMove It Over
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAfter being punched by a cigarette girl a man remarks she could lose her job to a vending machine.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisTwo golfers find a beautiful woman in the sand trap.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor; Sports
FeaturingSporting Fun!
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMiss Stackly's dates with her company's salesmen are being recorded as expenses.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Stackly
SynopsisA woman dismisses her boyfriend's talk about love because he doesn't have $1,000.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA girlfriend asks her boyfriend how much she can count on him for.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA prospector asks a 'gold digger' woman to join him.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA groom passes out on his wedding day.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman asks Miss O'Toole to wiggle into his office.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss O'Toole
SynopsisA secretary types with just two fingers but her boss doesn't mind.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMarion sends her husband to play poker so she can be alone with her lover.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Marion
Publisher advertisementChock Full of Gags, Gals, Gaiety! (1 page)
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesAdvertisement for Army & Navy Fun Parade #80.
SynopsisAs her boyfriend showers her with gifts a woman is glad men don't learn from experience.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingLast Laugh
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman agreed to share her hotel room with a teacher but he turns out to be a football coach.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man offers to help his friend pick up a blonde, unaware the blonde is already in his friend's house.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA soldier tries to romance a Polynesian woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Military
NotesOn inside back cover.
SynopsisA woman fends off a romantic science fiction author.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
NotesOn back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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