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Bill Boyd Western 12 - Version 2

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Bill Boyd Western
Date | Number: 12 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Bill Boyd Western 12 - Version 2
Bill Boyd Western 12 - Version 2 (15 of 27)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationMarch 1951 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
CoverThe Wagon Train Massacre
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo) | Colors:? (photo) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd (photograph of William Boyd); Midnite (horse)
Comic StoryDeputy for a Day (10 pages)
SynopsisBill acts as deputy sheriff for one day and has to deal with the theft of a diamond ring.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Max Elkan | Inks: Max Elkan
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Sharkey (thief); Jack (cowboy); Griff (cowboy)
NotesElkan is credited on pencil and ink on Bill Boyd by Jerry Bails' Who's Who. He can be spotted by the faces, and long hair in the neck and under the hat in front. The horses are much more realistic than the ones credited as uncertain to Pete Riss.
SynopsisBart and Lew are partners, and Bart wants some money.
FeaturingBig Bart and Little Lew
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Big Bart; Little Lew
AdvertisementMake a Treasure Chest
SynopsisHow to make a chest for Top Secret stuff with Scotch tape.
FeaturingScotch Cellophane Tape
CreditsLetters: typeset
SynopsisQuestions and answers.
Comic StoryA Wise Spender (1 page)
SynopsisSagebrush is flat broke.
CreditsScript: Howard Boughner? | Pencils: Howard Boughner? | Inks: Howard Boughner?
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Sagebrush; Tad Benton
NotesScript and art credits for this feature identified by Jerry Bails' Who's Who.
Comic StoryThe Deadly Spurs (8 pages)
SynopsisBill finds a dead rooster in the road, and it means cock fighting is going on despite the fact that it's against the law.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Max Elkan | Inks: Max Elkan
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse)
NotesElkan is credited on pencil and ink on Bill Boyd by Jerry Bails' Who's Who. He can be spotted by the faces, and long hair in the neck and under the hat in front. The horses are much more realistic than the ones credited as uncertain to Pete Riss.
SynopsisHere's your shockproof Hopalong Cassidy Wrist Watch.
FeaturingThe United States Time Corporation
CreditsPencils:? (photos) | Inks:? (photos)
ContentCharacters: Hopalong Cassidy; Topper (horse)
SynopsisBryant has found out why the nose is in the "scenter" of the face.
FeaturingBrilliant Bryant
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Prairie Hostage (6 pages)
SynopsisCrowbait is forced at gunpoint to hide two robbers trailed by a posse, in his wagon.
FeaturingA Crowbait Story
CreditsPencils: Charlie Tomsey? | Inks: Charlie Tomsey?
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Crowbait (peddler); Leary (robber)
NotesTomsey is credited on westerns for Fawcett by Jerry Bails' Who's Who, and some square jawed faces, and movements looks like his credited work on "Lance O'Casey" in Whiz Comics #134 and #136. Probably his work. Artwork similar to "The Ominous Door" story in Bill Boyd #5.
Comic StoryStrained Relations
SynopsisOswald is screaming through a screen door.
FeaturingBrainy Buster
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Brainy Buster; Oswald
Publisher advertisementFor The First Time In A Comic Magazine
FeaturingCaptain Video
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Captain Video
SynopsisSkating contest.
FeaturingFleer's Dubble Bubble Gum
CreditsScript: Ray Thompson [as Ray T.] (signed) | Pencils: Ray Thompson [as Ray T.] (signed) | Inks: Ray Thompson [as Ray T.] (signed)
ContentCharacters: Pud; Tommy
NotesThompson is credited by Jerry Bails' Who's Who on both writing and drawing this series.
Comic StoryTea Hee
SynopsisThe man wants brewed tea, not tea in bags, as they get stuck in his throat.
FeaturingWilbur the Waiter
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Wilbur
Text StoryStripling's Luck (2 pages)
CreditsScript: Richard Kraus (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Jim Partlow; Clegg Baker (mine owner); Jed Partlow
NotesThis story is split: page one is followed by the 4-page "Windy" story, then a page of ad/cartoon, and then the second page of the story appears.
Comic StoryWindy and the Powerful Fish! (4 pages)
SynopsisWindy tells tall tales to convince some fishermen to share their catch with him.
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Windy
Synopsis5 historical and scientific questions.
NotesThe second page of the "Stripling's Luck" text story appears after this quiz. The top half of this page is an advertisement for "Hopalong Cassidy Cutlery."
Comic StoryThe Wagon Train Massacres (10 pages)
SynopsisA wagon train is attacked by white killers and blamed on the Indians.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Max Elkan | Inks: Max Elkan
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Brett Mosley (crooked store owner); Chief Big Beaver
NotesNotes as for the first story by Elkan.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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