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Miracle Man
Date Unknown | Number: 8 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesBritish original black & white stories, a revamp of the creator's Captain Miracle stories from the 1960's.
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Book Cover For Miracle Man 8
Miracle Man 8 (2 of 5)
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   By paw broon
These are not "...a revamp of the creator's Captain Miracle stories from the 1960's." These are translated reprints of the original Spanish stories which appeared in the Spanish comic Superhombre 1957/58, created by Juan Llarch and Giralt (Joan Giralt Banus). There is considerable confusion over this series and I note that Fizz Pop also makes similar claims. And before I get shouted at, it is possible that Mick Anglo might have had some input - although I doubt it very much - but this superhero is very much an original Spanish creation and is yet another take on the Big Red Cheese. Originally published by Editorial Ferma, Barcelona. The issues we have in the British comics section are later translated reprints. We also have the complete run of the original series in the Spanish section under Superhombre. There are also a couple of Dutch reprints on site as well. Still, great to have another addition to the British reprints. Thank you.
   By SuperScrounge
A hero who looks inspired by Wayne Boring's Superman, a secret identity that looks like Jimmy Olsen and a transformation gimmick from Captain Marvel. I think the only original element is the inspector's weird hairstyle. ;-)
   By paw broon
Of course, you're bang on SS. I just had to point out that this is not an original British character. The mistake is the belief that this was Mick Anglo recycling Captain Miracle or old Marvelnan stories. I hadn't picked upon the Jimmy Olsen look-a-like. Ta.
   By SuperScrounge
I wasn't questioning you Paw. I respect your knowledge and opinions of British and European comics. I was just shocked at the similarity between the hero and Boring's Superman, and then I noticed the Jimmy Olsen lookalike and had to comment.
Additional Information
PublicationPrice: 1/- [0-1-0 GBP] | Pages: 1
NotesArt slightly modified (like the cap).
FeaturingMiracle Man
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Miracle Man
NotesArt slightly modified (like the cap).
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The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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