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Hello Buddies
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Hello Buddies 88 (61 of 75)
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Additional Information
PublicationJune-July 1958 | Price: 0.25 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
SynopsisA reporter remarks that the winner of Pizmo Beach's Miss Sweater Pageant is even more beautiful than the woman before him.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA doctor tells his female patient to wash her eyes with warm water every two hours.
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesOn inside front cover.
SynopsisA woman refuses a lewd suggestion made to her by an arresting police officer.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife hides her lover over a balcony, hanging from her hair.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSweet and Lovely
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man starts complimenting his neighbor's wife instead of their house.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA car salesman advertising "1960 look" cars leers at a woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA hostess is glad to discover two of her guests were romancing in a private room.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingPin-Up Parade
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ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonLeering Surrealist (1 page)
SynopsisA surrealist painter leers at a woman, seeing her in his mind as a surreal object.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman identifies her boyfriend as being in his second childhood - acting like a juvenile delinquent.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingThey Kiss and Tell
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman notes her boyfriend (his arm in a cast) hasn't tried to kiss her for two weeks.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman fought for years to be a star, then quit fighting and became one.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisWomen are fascinated by a man who recently inherited $25,000.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingHot Shots
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA husband and wife got into a quarrel over their neighbor Miss Carroll.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Carroll
SynopsisA woman cautions a mover to be careful with the bottles he's carrying.
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ContentGenre: Humor
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife complains about her husband's romantic gestures in the morning.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman tells her psychiatrist that she fears no one is staring at her.
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ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryFrom Telescope to Bottle (1 page)
SynopsisA man seems to be using a bottle as a telescope, then takes a drink from it.
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingTipsy Tales
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA talent agent is unimpressed by an applicant's ability to fly.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man's wife used to be jealous of him but now she doesn't care what he does.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMr. Van Bucks proposes marriage by showing how much money he has.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Mr. Van Bucks
SynopsisA woman's mother always told her to watch out for me like her date; she's glad she finally found him.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA couple committed the perfect crime, have enough money for the rest of their lives and a hideout where the law will never find them. The woman wonders what they'll do next.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisHerbie's girlfriend justifies the high price tag on her new coat.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Herbie
FeaturingTake the Stand!
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA lawyer's client wants her husband's refusal to take out the garbage to be considered cruelty.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman is kissing an insurance salesman when her husband comes home.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man teaching a woman how to swim takes advantage of the situation.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingWhat's Cookin'
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA wife is disappointed when her husband doesn't like her cooking.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA doctor proposes romance to his female patient.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSomething for the Boys
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA husband says his wife claims she doesn't have a thing to wear. She's presently garbed only in underwear.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA female lawyer visits a client in his cell.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA female employee takes a second break, this time for eggs and toast.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingFrom Nine 'til Five
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman is eager to hire a woman despite her lack of experience.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisEgbert walks out on a telephone call with his wife when he sees an attractive woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Egbert
FeaturingThrowing the Bull
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA criminal shows his vacation slides to his associates.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA groom about to be married behaves as though he had amnesia.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMildred's boyfriend reacts at the sight of Mildred's beautiful roommate.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingDate Bait
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMr. Bellenhogan lets his money talk for him.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Mr. Bellenhogan
CartoonCouple Cover Windows (1 page)
SynopsisWhile a couple kiss on the porch each of them covers a window from prying eyes.
ContentGenre: Humor
CartoonMarriage Counselor and Client (1 page)
SynopsisA marriage counselor seems interested in his client's wife.
ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman keeps his wife's picture turned to the wall.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingJoke Parade
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman calls her date a "slow starter" but that he has quite a finish.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisFred follows a woman into the water without donning a swimsuit.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Fred
SynopsisWhen Jerome proposes to his girlfriend she accuses him of drinking.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Jerome
FeaturingKnee Action
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA shoe salesman puts her shoe on his foot.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMiss Simpson's boyfriend is certain age is no obstacle, despite their 57-year age difference.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Simpson
Text StoryLong and Low (1 page)
FeaturingPoetic Parodies
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman romances another man at a party, ignoring her boyfriend.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAt their wedding, Wallace's bride doesn't want to be kissed.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Wallace
SynopsisA secretary being chased by her boss gives her two weeks' notice.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingQuack Cracks
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA shivering woman is told she's been eating too many frozen foods.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA bride at the altar ponders whether she loves the groom.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingRadio Roundup
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesJokes from radio programs including Edgar Bergen, George Jessel and the Woolworth Hour.
SynopsisA groom finds rice got into his car's motor.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisEdith's co-worker wonders if she can keep a "top secret."
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ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Edith
SynopsisAfter a groom carries his bride over the threshold she asks him to carry her out to dinner.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingLove Honor and Oh Boy!
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman knit her husband gloves but one of the fingers is much too long.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA husband wonders why his wife thinks a bikini-clad woman is "disgusting."
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisMiss Saxon's boyfriend literally puts all of his cards on the table.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Saxon
SynopsisA drunk man asks for another double martini.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman on a rocket ship is a backseat driver to her husband.
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ContentGenre: Humor; Science Fiction
SynopsisA driving instructor romanced his student.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSmall Fry Chatter
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA little girl makes a little boy redecorate their crib.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisTwo men appreciate a sultan's harem.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisElwood is distracted from bird watching by a woman.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Elwood
FeaturingMove It Over
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man is stuck in his new chair.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman at an amateur golf tournament is judged a "pro" by other women because of how she attracts men.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingSporting Fun!
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA husband thinks his davenport is functional since his daughter is romancing her boyfriend upon it.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA housewife was visited all day by different men.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA cosmetics saleswoman suggests she and a male employee were testing the products.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisOscar gives his girlfriend a diamond ring but it isn't very large.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Oscar
SynopsisA man observes a couple kissing on their porch.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman in her cabin mistakes a man peering in the porthole as a portrait.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA man asks a dancer how she's fixed for gay blades.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA businessman tries to make his secretary pliable by showing her the new woman he's going to hire.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Miss Larks
Publisher advertisementChock Full of Gags, Gals, Gaiety! (1 page)
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesAdvertisement for Army & Navy Fun Parade.
SynopsisA woman has just shot her lover, then calls his wife to tell her to stop tracking them with private detectives.
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ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingLast Laugh
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisA woman is disappointed to see her hotel room has two beds.
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ContentGenre: Humor
SynopsisAs Mr. Dennis stares at his girlfriend he begins to transform into the Devil.
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ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Mr. Dennis
SynopsisA man at a party thinks he saw a woman at the beach in the summer.
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesOn inside back cover.
SynopsisA painter using a model admits he's only painted still life previously.
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ContentGenre: Humor
NotesOn back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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