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Re: Atomic War 1

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Re: Atomic War 1
« on: June 12, 2021, 08:00:03 PM »

I can't believe this is controversial. Communists / Socialists murdered about 100 times more of their own citizens than the Nazis did. And they are still doing it. China (which still has NO elections), the Soviets, they have no issues mass murdering their citizens by the millions. Of course America was righteous & correct.

Link to the book: Atomic War 1
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2021, 05:29:01 AM »

China (which still has NO elections)

I  think you will find they do - after a fashion, but then they do only have one party.

the Soviets, they have no issues mass murdering their citizens by the millions.

Well the USSR did, the current regime, which does have elections - see quote above - hasn't got there yet, but they might.

Of course America was righteous & correct.

Not sure if you mean that or are being ironic or sarcastic?   

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Captain Audio

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2021, 06:15:59 AM »

China (which still has NO elections)

I  think you will find they do - after a fashion, but then they do only have one party.

the Soviets, they have no issues mass murdering their citizens by the millions.

Well the USSR did, the current regime, which does have elections - see quote above - hasn't got there yet, but they might.

Of course America was righteous & correct.

Not sure if you mean that or are being ironic or sarcastic?   

Red China (the CCP) is as dastardly as it ever was, ask the Ugir minority and the Mongols.
Despising the CCP is not racism, though many letwing types here and elsewhere would like for you to believe that it is.
Their military adventurism is a clear and present danger.
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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2021, 06:54:41 AM »

I don't recall the Chinese having recently invaded anyone in an act of military adventurism, Captain - but I can think of one country that regularly does........

Have you ever worked in China? I have - it's a great place - nice people, good food, progress everywhere, strong sense of social justice, great movies, nobody lives on the streets - and yes, they do have very competitive elections. They use the hierarchic system whereby local neighbourhoods elect a representative, usually from amongst three or four candidates. It's true they are all members of the CCP (That has much to do with the millennia-old tradition of unity and cooperation rather than competition) but within that, you get the full range of views.

The neighbourhood reps then elect the local council from amongst themselves and so on up to the Congress. It's a very direct form of democracy and people are much more actively involved in debate at the local level than in Britain, for example.

I'm not saying China is perfect - they still have the death penalty, for example - but what country is?

The blanket propaganda we have to endure about China and Russia (a Christian democracy full of nice people with a good sense of humour who like to have a good time - and yes, I've worked there too - for eleven years on and off) is all about economic interests - the masters of a decaying western empire struggling to maintain their position. It won't work in the end - empires rise and fall - we must just hope there isn't too much carnage in the meantime.

Don't conflate the CCP with the cancel culture woke madness that has gripped America. The Chinese I know (a broadly conservative people) are just as bemused by that as anyone else. I'm afraid 'woke' is entirely home grown.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2021, 07:12:14 AM by Andrew999 »
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Captain Audio

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2021, 09:02:42 AM »

I don't recall the Chinese having recently invaded anyone in an act of military adventurism, Captain

They tried and failed to invade Taiwan several times. They invaded Vietnam and got their butt kicked up around their ears. They continue to occupy several subject nations. They are a constant threat to India with regular border incursions. They threaten the Phillipines every day and rattle their sabers every time an American vessel traverses the South China sea. They pose a very real threat to Japan and every country in the region while still doing business with them.

I'm sure you consider the Saddam Hussein regime and the Taliban to be victims of western Imperialism and heartily support the right of Somali pirates and slave traders to continue their ancient traditions.
You somehow fail to remember that practically every civilized nation other than Communist regimes and totalitarian dictatorships supported the so called adventures of the USA and continue to do so.
The blanket propaganda we have to endure about China and Russia (a Christian democracy full of nice people with a good sense of humour who like to have a good time - and yes, I've worked there too - for eleven years on and off) is all about economic interests -

I see you still can't differentiate between a regime and the population they dominate.
a decaying western empire struggling to maintain their position. It won't work in the end - empires rise and fall - we must just hope there isn't too much carnage in the meantime.

What a steaming load, capped with wishful thinking. No wonder you have no objections to the CCP practicing genocide against subject populations and ripping off western technology to feed their outdated and wobbly war machine.
Ask Ukraine and Georgia about how the Russians under Putin are no threat. Must be all Kumbaya over there to hear you tell it.
Ask every nation bordering the Persian Gulf about how peaceful and mild the Iranian regime has been for generations.
China sells and/or gifts advanced anti shipping and artillery missiles to every Islamic terrorist organization in the Middle East.
Too bad you can't read history books and modern newspapers with the interest you focus on comic books and Red propaganda. Of course if you have any "history books" at all they were no doubt written by Howard Zinn and Ward Churchill.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2021, 09:04:28 AM »

I don't recall the #hinese having recently invaded anyone in an act of military adventurism 

There is this place called Tibet? A once independent country which all Western media, Hollywood and Disney very specifically - must never mention at all. There was this place called Tienanmen Square? There must never be any reference to anything that happened there. Ever.
Look at the countries that border #hina. That are part of its sphere of influence and really under its umbrella. Tibet, Burma, North Korea, Vietnam. Healthy democracies?
'Front page of my newspaper yesterday' :-

'#ina is on the verge of launching a 'grey zone' war against Australia that would see flotillas of armed, unmarked and unsanctioned military ships deployed on incursions through Australian waters in a bid to bully the nation into bowing to #eijing's will.
The stark warning comes from Taiwan's Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, as the heads of the world's leading democracies gather for a G7 summit widely anticipated to address #hinas's growing hostility and the risk of a global conflict involving the communist regime.
Dr Wu said *aiwan had been "in the frontline" against #hinese misinformation, economic coercion and military brinkmanship for decades, and urged 'like-minded democracies' to form a united front against #eijing aggression.
"#ina is preparing for war and we all need to be ready for that," Dr Wu said. " The new phenomenon we are seeing is China's 'grey zone' of operations, where it sends in its maritime militia - large fishing boats, armed, operated and following the orders of China's Navy - to harass and intimidate their perceived enemies.' "
Just ask the Philippines.
Our Prime Minister stuck his head up recently. They are determined to knock it down.
Why have I written this post the way I have?
I know a couple - Australian #hines, who are in that country presently. China now uses bots - AI - that picks up words in emails and on social media, so people sending emails out of #hina now, routinely do this.
I have never been to #hina.
But I was in the USSR during the Brezhnev era. Life on the street always looks peaceful and uneventful, reality doesn't obviously rear its ugly head.
I have also spend time in Hong Kong and Taiwan. And my heat bleeds for them.
Have you ever read 'The Art of War?' If not, you should.
There are many ways to conduct warfare.
I have no problem with #hinese as people. I went to school. primary, high school and university - with them. I see them on the street in my town every day.
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paw broon

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2021, 03:50:18 PM »

I am saddened to read some of the invective here.  Yet I understand most of the points raised. I am politically left of centre but a member of no party.  I read a lot and listen to the interviews with politicians and analysts on tv and radio. I trust Putin as far as I could throw him and I believe he is a dangerous monster. But were I Russian, I'd probably think he was doing the right thing for the country.
I don't trust the USA.  The previous President was a monster and I believe he still is. The USA has a lot of poverty, crime and right wing nutters. And it's only in the recent past that the USA seems to be coming to terms with integration in many parts.  It's only relatively recently that guardsmen shot students on campus. The gun crime is shocking. 
The UK is almost a basket case, financially and morally with the liar in chief, Mr. Johnson, leading a pack of incompetents.  World power?  That's a laugh.  Why would the USA be interested in us any more as we chuck the EU away because of lies from the Tories.  The big red bus and its slogan spring to mind.
China.  Just been reading about the new censorship law for Hong Kong.  China lists state security as a reason for film censorship.  And I don't want to think too much about the slave labour and re-education camps.
The UK has an increasing amount of knife crime, racial hatred is on the up, poverty and social deprivation gathers pace.  What a world.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2021, 04:37:46 AM »

Paw wrote,
I am saddened to read some of the invective here.

I have just reread my posts and I believe they are free from personal invective of any kind.
I doubt you and I differ in that regard. Neither have I any intention of belittling or 'cancelling' anyone because of their posts.

This kind of post tends to be a rarity on CB+ and I hope it remains so, but But when I strongly disagree with someone, I will sometimes find it hard not to say so, but as politely as possible.
The context for me is that China is front-page news in Australia right now. Also the G7 [democratic nations] is currently meeting in Cornwall. Australia is an invited guest.
The number one strategic concern for Australia, and almost everything the G8 did, was in response to Beijing.

?He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his reason is weak.?
― Michel de Montaigne 

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Captain Audio

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2021, 06:19:51 AM »

Well Excuse me if I trod on anyone's ego, but seeing a post about Red China that sounds so much like the glowing reports of naive tourists visiting Germany after they were beguiled into National Socialism raised my hackles a bit.
Tourist and guest workers aren't likely to be given guided tours of the slave labor camps and vivisection vans where political prisoners organs are harvested after they are shot in the spine just below the skull so their blood still circulates as they remain alive and hopefully unconscious as they are cut apart. The Red Chinese sell these organs on an international marketplace so they want them fresh.

You don't have too many visible homeless when you can stuff the slave labor camps full of society's flotsam and rejects.
The Chinese are converting to Christianity on a mass scale, the largest number of converts of any nationality, despite the fact that an avowed Atheist party appointee is in complete control of all churches and those who are caught simply praying outside the state mandated facilities quickly disappear into the camps, or in some cases get a stern warning in the form of a savage beating at the nearest police station.

They used to say, Mussolini made the railroads run on time, like that was an excuse for his draconian subjugation of the population.
They used to brag that there was little street crime in the Soviet Union , mainly because the entire population had so little to steal, but their massive Gulag and prison system was always full no matter how many prisoners they worked to death and buried in the ice or left out for the wolves.

No doubt a reply will once again conflate the totalitarian regimes with the populations they subjugate in order to raise a "racist" strawman argument, that is what we have learned to expect these days.

I'm pleased that the press and the left leaning politicians have at least begun to admit that the COVID 19 virus originated in Red China. A few months ago none dared to even think such a thing least they be branded as "racist".
In recent years the totally politicized media has become a far too willing left hand of the CCP propaganda machine. The Fourth Estate is quickly becoming a Fifth Column of fellow travelers.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 05:42:42 PM by Captain Audio »
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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2021, 06:54:35 AM »

Gentlemen, could we please just stop this? Cheers Bowers
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paw broon

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2021, 08:15:46 AM »

As usual, Bowers is right.  Let's finish here.  There is a place for discussions of this nature but I don't believe it's CB+.
Apologies if I got up anybody's nose.  I'm happy to get back to reading and talking about comics.  And music, films, tv and audio. 
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Captain Audio

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2021, 05:45:34 PM »

Contrarianism has its place and functions to ignite ire wherever it goes. Ignorance is bliss, till the man comes around.
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paw broon

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Re: Atomic War 1
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2021, 06:59:16 PM »

I respectfully suggested that this stuff should stop.  Stop now.  Is that clear enough?
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