Attention Newbies -- welcome to GAC-UK. We are happy that you grace this site with your enthusiasm and eagerness to hang out and talk Golden Age Comics with us.
However, some of you need to slow down regarding your downloads. I want to thank those who are downloading one file at a time. We appreciate your consideration of the server. Your consideration makes things work around here. Don't be shy about asking for a reset -- we love that you are downloading and want you to continue -- that is, please download one file at a time.
And because some folks will always need reminding...and cannot be bothered to read the F.A.Q.
Our sages have written: "Blessed are they who download one file at a time. They are the saints of GAC-UK. The rotten eggs of Fin Fang Foom shall be the reward of the simultaneous downloader; be they vip or not. For they are the foes of the server."Regards,
GAC-UK Staff