Hi Everyone!
I guess you have all spotted the initials JVJ on a lot of our comic book titles. For those of you who don't know this indicates that they come from a massive archive of comics built up over the years by Jim.
To date he has loaned out 1700+ comics from his collection for scanning and sharing. Without his help this site would be a shadow of what it is today.
So, if you are enjoying these scans PLEASE consider donating to the JVJ Postage Fund. This fund as the name suggests exists purely to pay for the postage of comics - between Jim and the scanners.
You can donate to the Fund using Paypal
https://www.paypal.com - account to credit is
orders@bpib.comIt would be great, if members here could help top the fund up. Just a few bucks/pounds/euros each and that'll keep the fund ticking over for some time to come.