The artwork is by Geoff Campion (1916-1987). He's best known as a Western and WWII artist on Amalgamated Press/Fleetway comics of the 1950s and '60s, such as "Sun" and "Comet" (see posts) and "Valiant". But he drew occasional historical strips as well - for the Thriller Comics/Picture Library issues "Robin Hood" (story one) TCL No10 (Mar 1952) and "Quo Vadis" TCL No19 (Aug 1952), based on the MGM film. He also produced a large number of title pages for TPL "Robin Hood" issues (1957-59) and a full-colour Dick Turpin serial for "Sun" in the late '50s. I'm surprised that anyone could find his work 'old-fashioned', even today - at the time, his clean vigorous drawing was the epitome of picture-strip modernity. His mastery of action scenes led to him being overused, to the detriment of his work. (Lambiek Comiclopedia/Ashford & Holland: "The Thriller Libraries" 2010)
Link to the book:
Dick Turpin & the Vagabond Army Knockout Fun Book 1954 (UK)