We are about to embark on a new and highly secret mission. Part of this requires the creation of between 250-300 mini-articles. They will each be about 4/5 very short paragraphs. So not very long at all.
I guess they will each take about an hour or maybe two to create. That is at a leisurely pace (we don't rush at CB+).
The content is modern history/popular culture.
So do you fit the following criteria?
1) Have you a pulse and a functioning or at least semi-functioning brain?
2) Can you write to a fairly good standard of English?
3) Have you an interest in the late 1930's to early 60's?
4) Have you a few spare hours?
If so then please contact me probably the best way is to send a personal message (click on my name then on the left hand menu choose "Send personal message".
Although a lot of work, it is actually a rather interesting project and will be awesome when complete.