Well, I start by scanning the book. No real trick there, other than I may put a weight on top of the scanner cover. If it's my book rather than JVJ's, I might be willing to further damage a book to get a better scan. (I've been known to pull staples on my books on occasion, for example.) Depending on the condition of the cover, I may go check heritage for a better scan. A nice cover scan can go a LONG way in making a scan of a low grade book look better; first impressions do matter. For editing, which I can either do page by page while scanning or later depending on my mood (I've got several books still to edit), I start by making sure the page is correctly oriented if need be since half the scans will be upside down. I'll then check to make sure I don't need to rescan due to a blurry area or other problem. I don't need to do that often, but I won't hesitate to do that if I think it will help. (Sometimes you just need to go ahead and live with it, generally the thicker the book the more you'll need to put up with. And I'm much less likely to bother with ads or text pages, honestly.) I then, if needed, rotate the page ONCE to straighten it using irfanview. If I'm not happy with the first rotation, I'll reload the page and retry until I am. If the page is damaged in someway I can repair, I may do so. My skills there are VERY limited; I'm normally restricted to just working on the page border, but this can make a big difference when you auto level a couple steps later. Then I trim so there's only a small border around the art. (I know not everybody likes that, but I personally think it looks best. And it helps unify the pages if you need to rotate some of them, which you almost always do.) I'll then save the scan, still as a TIFF, to a new folder with whatever I want the final name to be. (Normally just the number.) Once the book is all done, I'll fire up photoshop elements. Normally all I do there is batch process to auto level, resize the scans if needed, and convert to JPEG; I can get a bit more advanced on really dark scans. Then I zip it up, rename the zip, check for errors, and post away. I don't know that my results are that spectacular, but I do know my end results are definitely improving from my earlier ones.
That answer your question about techniques, Rez?
Oh, and GI Joe v5 42 ready to go. Enjoy!