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Message Board A-HOLES

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topic icon Author Topic: Message Board A-HOLES  (Read 2337 times)


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Message Board A-HOLES
« on: October 05, 2021, 05:50:36 PM »

I gotta say, Comic Book Plus has been pretty consistently one of the nicest, most reasonable places I've hung out on the internet for quite a few years.

Too bad too many other places can't say the same...

At Classic Comics Forum, a number of brainwashed idiots have repeated tried to get into arguments with me over the last several years, or just make rude, insulting remarks.  3 of them I had to use the BLOCK feature. The last few weeks, one in particular was getting really annoying.

So I responded... briefly...

"I think for someone using "Kirby101" as your screen name, you're INCREDIBLE disingenuous. KNOCK IT OFF."

and today, got the following from a "Moderator":

"Hi profh0011,
The moderating staff have decided to issue you with an Official Warning as a result of your rude personal attack on kirby101 over in the "The Lost Jack Kirby Stories" thread. Accusing kirby101 of being "incredibly disingenuous" and telling him to "knock it off" is not acceptable conduct, as explined over in the forum Rules of the Road

Please refrain from talking to people in such a hostile and insulting manner in future.

MY reply:

"The guy WAS being repeatedly ridiculous in his statements and arguments. I had a choice of either saying "KNOCK IT OFF", or, BLOCKING him.
Next time I'll choose the latter.
I get really tired of brainwashed people trying to draw me into stupid, pointless areguments."

Then, an hour later:

"Okay, SORRY about that. I have taken care of the problem."

("Kirby101" has been BLOCKED by me.)
Once again, although it's not FB, I want to thank Patrick Ford who first showed me how to use a BLOCK feature, and the perfectly sound reasons for doing so.

Part of me wonders who this guy "Paul" is, who uses the screen-name "Confessor". The simple fact that's a so-called "Moderator" at that board is why I can't really block HIM.

But it's painfully obvious to me what a twisted little SHIT he is.

I mean look at this: "rude personal attack", "not acceptable conduct", "talking to people in such a hostile and insulting manner".

That other CLOWN was-- NOT for the first time-- trying to draw me into an endless stupid argument-- and I told him to "knock it off". I WAS TRYING TO BE POLITE.

I suppose I'm wasting my time ever trying to deal with ASSHOLES like them.

Most of the time on that board, I try to AVOID any threads dealing with Jack Kirby... or his LYING THIEVEING SCUMBAG boss. Probably for the best.
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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2021, 05:53:57 PM »

Since I knew I wasn't dealing with intelligent life, I posted the above on ANOTHER board.  A friend of mine, who's the moderator there, replied...


I do think I have made a mistake or two when administering the ban hammer on here. Moderating is a bit of a learning process for me and I think I have overreacted in anger at times, but that's a mistake I try to learn from.

Communities like this need to be allowed to learn to self-manage themselves. We are all adults and its rather tacky how some mods treat forum members like children who need putting on a 'time-out' on the naughty step.

I reponded:

THANK YOU.  Well said.

I think the SPOILED CHILDREN (or brainwashed lunatics-- take yer pick) are in charge at most "comic-book" boards.  I feel certain, if I posted or said something like what YOU JUST SAID, I'd be banned on the spot.

Instead, I'm trying to blow off steam (it pissed me off no end, believe me) elsewhere.  Sometimes it's fun (and even necessary) to make fun of people BEHIND THEIR BACKS).

In my case, the best thing I can do on boards like that is avoid ANY AND ALL discussions involving Jack Kirby and his boss from the 1960s.  One was a creative genius, the other is a LYING THIEVING SCUMBAG who was involved in what some have called "the biggest intellectual property theft in history", amounting to BILLIONS of dollars now.
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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2022, 03:33:34 AM »

Pardon the "soap-opera"... (heeheehee)

I just read the MOST OFFENSIVE comment I've seen in at least a year at the Classic Comics Forum. DAREDEVIL #1 was being discussed...

"Everett's drinking screwed up the deadline"

MY response:
"I wouldn't say a thing like that on the following pages.......



If you do, you're likely to run in a mob of people who are a LOT LESS POLITE than I am.
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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2022, 03:34:32 AM »

Oh, this is too much... and at "The Art Of Bill Everett" FB group, of all places:

Blake Bell (Group expert):
"And, it's literally not true, "Cei-U". Read a book sometime."

"Blake Bell Yeah, well, those guys still think S*** L** was a WRITER... 😝"

Jeff Heller:
"Interestingly enough, Cei-U has actually had a book about comics published by Twomorrows. There's a good chance he knows more about the subject than either of you.

Badmouthing Cei-U in a whole separate community where nobody knows him and inciting others to be angry at him is poor taste of the worst kind."

"OH REALLY!!!!!!!!! But bad-mouthing one of the most talented people to ever work in the business WITH IMPUNITY on a board where anyone is free to agree on such nastiness, while anyone contradicting it can be insulted, harrased, or threatened with being suspended or banned is okay?

"Interestingly enough"

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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2022, 03:35:35 AM »

Well, THIS actually put me in a GOOD mood!!!!!


"Well, Henry, I'd imagine you must have seen this coming.

When you run around the world wide web, bad-mouthing a member and actively attempting to incite others against him for stating a well-documented anecdote, you're definitely continuing the trend of hostile behavior you have been disciplined for in the past, and you make our community a less welcoming place, where folks have to worry that an opinion they share might somehow offend you and result in your turning entire facebook groups against them for it.

We can't possibly allow that.

So I'm sorry to say that you are no longer welcome at the CCF. While I will personally miss your knowledge and your passion, this clearly is not a good fit, and you don't seem to enjoy our community much anyway (you certainly aren't shy about repeatedly slamming it), so perhaps this can be an amicable parting of ways. I wish you nothing but the best.


"REGARDS", he says! HAH!!!!!

I didn't hesitate with the following reply:


People like you have no respect for the people who actually made comics. There's a whole crew of you at that board who go out of their way to be rude and insulting and feel you can get away with it, as long as you're all on the side of that LYING THIEVING SCUMBAG former editor of Marvel.

And when you add to that something someone says NOT ON YOUR BOARD, your hypocrisy is blatent.

I say, GO F*** YOURSELF, and good riddance.

My world will be better off without CRETINS like you and your ilk in it.


My apologies to anyone ELSE here who may be offended. I was trying to defend the memory of Bill Everett.
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paw broon

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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2022, 09:05:24 AM »

I have an excellent way of avoiding all that stuff.  I simply don't use fb or twitter.   My life is better for it.
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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2022, 10:11:03 PM »


Insanely enough, I'm having more fun on FB than I have in years.  Most of this trouble was on a traditional "message board". (It had been building up for 4 YEARS.)

It "hit the fan" when I posted about it in a FB group (the one devoted to an artist whose reputation hwas being besmirched), and apparently, one of the message board moderators was in that group.

Imagine, getting banned for saying something SOMEWHERE ELSE.
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  • VIP
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Re: Message Board A-HOLES
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2022, 11:24:03 PM »

Imagine, getting banned for saying something SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Sadly, that's been going on for a few years.
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