Just finished the latest restoration...
FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #1 / September 1963 / Jack Kirby & Dick Ayers
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zvds4mZKElw/UkNej1HhcOI/AAAAAAAAPTM/kzcSyUwDXe8/s1600/FF+A01_cc_HA_HK.jpgThis was a horrific mess to clean up, dirt, drop-outs, color specs and color registration problems everywhere. Plus, the scan I found was SO dark, I had to clean up the whites, yellows, reds, greens, grays, dark blues & skin tones separately. Namor's skin tones had "specs" all over the place, it took an hour or more just to clean up that area alone. Some of the dark blue-- including in the logo and other lettering-- was so dark, I had to do a major "color balance" adjustment before I could be SURE it wasn't just black.
Now, I ask you... WHAT kind of person decides to make the logo lettering RED, BLACK & BLUE??? (with yellow trim)
Further-- check out the red text box, with no less then 6 lines of text. (6 !!!) Did Sol Brodsky screw this up, or was that Stan's fault? I'm talking about how it was pasted down in place so that the right edge EXACTLY hits the tip of Namor's crown, AND the heads of one of the background figures. This is a "design problem" that could easily have been fixed by moving the box 1/4" to the left. These are working professionals, who got PAID to do a job this bad???
Oh, while I was at it, I noticed none of the background figures actually HAD any skin tones-- so I colored them in myself (pale blue). I know, hard to see, but trust me, it's there, now.
I almost forgot to mention the area at the bottom. Bad, BAD, BAD!!! "design"... and once again, an "editor" who just doesn't know when to shut up and let the art work for him.
Meanwhile, after having REPLACED the entire pale blue background (it was very dirty, inconsistent, AND had specs all over the place), I STILL didn't like it. But, as I'd done something I hadn't done in years-- generate an entirely NEW background, copy the art ON TOP of it, then REMOVE ("clear") the entire old background so it would show through FROM BEHIND... it was easy to then create an ALTERNATE background while I was at it. Behold...
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jaD3hmpk-Z0/UkNex-a74JI/AAAAAAAAPTQ/SRZHEwCr4kg/s1600/FF+A01_cd_HA_HK.jpgNow, they LOOK underwater!
STILL not perfect, but a major improvement.