(much of this is directly lifted from International Superheroes UK which by the way is/was heavily contributed by myself and my website partner Darrin Wiltshire the rest is mine found on the net or elsewhere or assembled by me)
Part II
*Dr. Nikola - As well as an astounding intellect, Nikola was incredibly strong and a master of disguise. A potent mesmerist, he is capable of hypnotising the strongest mind, and can fool people into seeing anything he wants. He has created a variety of mutant creatures which do his bidding. He is also a skilled chemist, having manufactured a drug which can extend life indefinitely. Dr Nikola was a master criminal, described as being slightly above average height, with broad shoulders, "perfectly shaped" muscular limbs, but very slim, with small hands and feet. He had glossy black hair and was clean shaven (his face "was destitute of beard or mustache"). He was handsome, with skin of a dark olive hue, and had piercing black eyes and pearly teeth. Impeccably dressed, his neatness "bordered on the puritanical". His age was difficult to deduce from his appearance, and he could have been anything between twenty-eight to forty; in reality he was thirty-three. His pet/companion was an enormous black cat with a literally unnatural intelligence. Charming and genial in person, Nikola was gifted with great intelligence, and despite his world-conquering aims was relatively reluctant to kill, sparing his nemesis Hatteras a number of times. When he kidnapped Hatteras' fianc