Turning the cool cover we find a message from Uncle Joe (the editor), offering free gifts for filling in a simple survey. Is it simply a readership survey, or is he after addresses? I am not sure if there was much unsolicited mail back then.
The Great Question has a cool outfit, love the question mark on his forehead! Aman (aka Amazing Man) is certainly not an eco-warrior, it was not very green killing all those crocs! The story is a serial and consequently we jumped in and back out of the plot, but it was great! Story line is cool and I like the art and layout style of the "older comics".
Next is Chuck Hardy in Land Beneath the Sea (BTW our book and the GCD entry do not agree about story positions). It is CRAZY:
"This is Jumbleskustanikan". I also guess for evil two heads are better than one:
"They are many, and are directed by their two-headed master, the cunning Toga!!"Wow that was even cooler, but again it's part of a serial. This book can't fail now, it's a hit no matter what. Iron skull continues the awesomeness of the book. Minimidget - The Super-Midget confirms this is the book that just keeps giving!
"Minimidget and Ritty, two supermidgets, the size of a human hand. Find adventure around the world. They flew to Africa in a 3 foot rocket ship, and now are about to leave by boat"
Minor point, someone needs a lesson in apostrophes and when not to use them
"up with you're hands", "the boat is on it's way"The two page text story was amazingly bad (good) trash. Blimey, whoever wrote this be having a laugh with their friends. Next up the seemingly immortal Zardi who among other things saw the pyramids built and the red sea parted. Question is will he live long enough to see Google, Starbucks or Amazon paying taxes?
The Shark is an isolationist, whose grammar and punctuation (or lack of it) leave a lot to be desired!
"The quicker belligerent countries find out America don't want war the better off they'll be REAL wont fight unless America is in danger and America won't be in danger if Americans stay American"
O and also providing Japan doesn't decide to sneak up behind you and blow a big hole in your fleet. I am not very keen on The Shark. I am hoping better for "Mighty Man and the Coal People". And he is good, maybe slightly suspect, but good!
We are in the final leg with The Magician From Mars, who appears to have stolen Flash Gordon's spacecraft, despite being told:
"Sorry I cannot let anyone have a spaceship, even a distinguished person as you" And what a fitting finale. The Magician (a beautiful blonde called Jane) was the best of a good bunch!
Verdict: A certain hit, and the realization I prefer our "older comics". If you haven't already then this is a