Interesting character- pretty good back-story. I rather like the do-it-yourself heroes who create their own powers and abilities as opposed to the chemical accident, struck by lightning, radiation, etc. guys.
Powell art was great- one of my favorite GA artists, and also interesting fillers.
The intro story was my favorite but the other two weren't bad at all. The usual GA stuff.
Wonder how many kids sent for the "Geigerscope" hoping to find uranium in "your backyard, in your neighboring woods, anywhere"? And how many zoos, even in the 50's, would have allowed two kids to walk around with a rifle and a bow and arrow? I suppose one never could tell when a gorilla might escape and they did earn them by hawking that miracle cure, White Cloverine Salve.
Doesn't appear that Strogman lasted too long, but still a good effort. Cheers, Bowers