...Sorry, I'm not much help. ...
Any help is appreciated!
Of course my hope was that someone recognized one of the artworks.
But it also helps to get the names of publishers from the 1960s or early 1970s
that used artworks like this, or get links to galleries etc.
I assumed that these 3 artworks would be from Fleetway, because the others
that Mego used on their packaging from that toy line were.
Most are from War/ Battle Picture Library, one is from Look & Learn Magazine.
The artists of the other artworks are indeed European artists.
Graham Coton did several of them, Jordi Penalva did some.
Most of the Rest is from Italian and Spanish painters.
So I assume these 3 were also done for a European publisher, probably Fleetway.
It's of course possible that they were created exclusively for Mego,
for the toy line I mentioned. But since the others weren't,
I assume that these 3 had also originally been done for some comic or magazine.