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Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel

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Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« on: January 01, 2009, 03:20:01 PM »

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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 03:23:46 PM »

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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 03:30:24 PM »

Are you saying you have it?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 03:59:16 PM »

I think Rez is in a bit of a silly mood this morning between this and the coffee post.  We'll see if anybody can turn it up, fiche is most likely...
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 04:07:26 PM »

oh gawd! This is my norm!

EEK! I've been found out!

I think Rez is in a bit of a silly mood this morning between this and the coffee post.  We'll see if anybody can turn it up, fiche is most likely...
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2009, 03:47:10 AM »

Any luck?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2009, 04:46:32 AM »

Any luck?

Have patience as someone will turn up a copy of it to post on GA-UK if it is to be found. Meanwhile, you should introduce yourself to the community so that your post/request does not seem so cold and random.

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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2009, 08:34:44 AM »

Hello. I am rascocm. How are you all doing today?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2009, 01:49:33 PM »

Welcome Ras. Hopefully someone will be able to come up with a fiche copy of SE. Unlikely a paper copy because the book would be worth to much to risk damage scanning. We never know what will show up but I am sure that an eye is being kept out for SE. Enjoy the many other Fawcett offerings and if you happen to have an GA books not yet onsite we would welcome your contribution.
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2009, 03:39:47 PM »

Hello. I am rascocm. How are you all doing today?

Hi Rascocm, I'm wonderful, thanks for asking. I hope you are well also.  ;D

For what its worth, I know that a copy of the book does exist somewhere on the net. I cannot tell you where because I have long forgotten where, but someone here at GA-UK might have a better memory of it or remember downloading it and can help you.

But yes, the book (in some form -- not clear if it was the FLASHBACK or the original) has been scanned.

B.  :)
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2009, 03:42:49 PM »

It's also possible the (probably incomplete) reprint in the Shazam archive is what is circulating; we can't use that even if we find it.
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2009, 03:52:41 PM »

It's also possible the (probably incomplete) reprint in the Shazam archive is what is circulating; we can't use that even if we find it.

Eric I think you are correct -- and if it is the archive then it is not even a true reprinting.

The one copy I know I have is the FLASHBACK reprinting.  Long locked away in my vault with other FLASHBACKS printed in the 1970s. So long ago locked away, I cannot even remember which vault.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 03:55:43 PM by boox909 »
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2009, 11:03:23 PM »

Ok, going off on a tangent:  I've only ever heard/ seen of the FLASHBACKS indirectly.  Were they at all authorized, or were they bootleg?  They were B&W reprints with color covers, correct?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2009, 12:12:18 AM »

Ok, going off on a tangent:  I've only ever heard/ seen of the FLASHBACKS indirectly.  Were they at all authorized, or were they bootleg?  They were B&W reprints with color covers, correct?

Alan Light (founder of what is now CBG) published the reprints through his DynaPubs arm. As for being authorized, I am not sure (although I think they were not readily frowned upon if at all), but a good number of them were published. I do not have an index of them handy at the moment. Light's Flashbacks were B&W with color covers. Issues included Pep Comics, All-Select Comics, All-Star Comics, Police Comics, All-American Comics, Flash Comics, Marvel Mystery Comics, and other publishers.

However, Light's FLASHBACKS were not the only publisher offering such reprints.

A Texas based publisher also reprinted Police Comics, All-Star Comics and other titles. I have a copy of Police Comics #1 sitting right in front of me from that particular line. I am not sure if the publisher was Yesterday's Comics (Carrollton, TX) or Nostalgia, Inc. (Dallas, TX)...but I think it was the publishing arm of a big Texas based comics dealer.

There were also other lines of reprint mags (Captain George's Whizbang) putting out reprint stories and such long before AC Comics started up.

Many of these mags were affordable at one time, but now they can be most pricey to get a hold of (Ken Pierce Book, Passiac Comics [assuming I spelled it correctly] were two big suppliers of these types of mags)...fortunately, now that we have GA-UK, all but the DC/AA & Timely books are pretty much onsite.

I would wager that Jim (JVJ) remembers more about these ongoings though. That is a big hint to Jim that I would love to see his recollections of Golden Age Comics fandom from the 1970s and beyond if he will offer them.


B.   ;D
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 10:41:44 PM by boox909 »
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2009, 03:39:47 AM »

The scanned version of Special Edition #1 that I've seen are from the DC archive and can't be shared here.

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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2009, 08:04:49 AM »

No where I can get it?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2009, 04:47:35 AM »

You guys will crack up when you hear what I did. I am trying to make my own CDs of the DC chronology and I already had Shazam archives 2 with the SE reprint. I am also a pro photographer, but do not own a scanner. I got the old cam out and took a picture of every page and created my own archive with the images just for my cd. They are not for sale or distribution, just my project in order so I can read them during downtime. Now, I am looking for the missing issues of National Comics. Anybody want to lend a hand?
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 06:13:32 AM »

Although I'm sure someone else has more detailed information, here's what I've found about the "Flashback" reprints:

Daredevil #1 (Lev Gleason)
Special Edition Comics (Captain Marvel)
USA #1
Special Comics # 1
Military Comics #1
All Star Comics #4
Pep #1
Young Allies #1
Dollman Quarterly # 1
Captain Marvel Adventures #1
Plastic Man #1
World's Fair 1939
All Star Comics #2
All Select #14 (actually #1)
Captain Marvel Adventures #2
Pep #17
Captain Marvel Jr #1
Master Comics #21
Sub-Mariner #1
World's Fair 1940
Human Torch #1
All Star Comics #1
All Winners #1
Spy Smasher #1
America's Greatest Comics #1
Marvel Mystery Comics #4
Silver Streak #6
World's Finest #7
Captain America #2
All American #24
Hit Comics #1
America's Greatest Comics #7
Plastic Man #2
Ibis The Invincible #1
Captain Marvel Adventures #7
Flash #15
Captain Midnight #1
World's Finest Comics #8
Wow Comics #1
Silver Streak #1
Blackhawk #9
All Star Comics #3
Police Comics #1
Uncle Sam Quarterly #1
Whiz Comics #1
Air Fighters #2

That's 46 issues, plus I've seen a list that mentions 3 "annuals" but gives no additional info for them.  From poking around the net, these may be the "Special Edition Series" comics which on the covers had "Whiz Comics", "The Ray and The Black Condor" and "Mac Raboy's Captain Marvel Jr".  I found another list for the Flashback books that makes mention of "Human Torch # 5" with a B&W cover and yet another that lists an "EC Comics # 1" reprint, also with a B&W cover.

Here's a link to someone on eBay selling a 1974 catalog for the Flashback books:

Here's a link for 11 of the books being sold at auction:

Here's a link to a cover gallery for the "Flashback" reprints:
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2009, 06:32:42 AM »

Having seen a couple I will warn you - they are not much to look at.  Basically photocopy quality.

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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2009, 06:38:10 AM »

Having seen a couple I will warn you - they are not much to look at.  Basically photocopy quality.


What Yoc said, guys. These are mediocre photocopies, at best. As much as I was interested in old comics, when these came out I wasn't particularly tempted to buy more than a couple of them. They're hard to take.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2009, 06:46:33 AM »

I would wager that Jim (JVJ) remembers more about these ongoings though. That is a big hint to Jim that I would love to see his recollections of Golden Age Comics fandom from the 1970s and beyond if he will offer them.


B.   ;D

I remember a LOT about those days, Boox, but REAL Golden Age Comics Fandom was the 60s when Jerry Bails, Roy Thomas and the like were publishing. I came in rather late to that party - my first published "fanzine" was Promethean Enterprises #1 and to this day no one (including me) really knows whether it was a fanzine, an underground or something else entirely. But I hit the ground running and in 1971 I published "Doug Wildey's The Movie Cowboy", "Al Williamson: His Work", several issues of "George" (a fanzine review magazine), and at least one issue of Promethean. Those were heady days and I had LOTS more energy than I do now, that's for sure.

I'll be happy to try to answer any specific questions you might have, but rambling on about stuff that happened 40 years ago is going to bore everyone to tears.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2009, 06:50:51 AM »

I am pretty ticked off that the one dealer is selling the index for almost $50.  >:(  A friend and I must have a few copies squirreled away between us in our various vaults and I would not dream of selling them for $50 or even $5. Some people... >:(

Oh, as a related sidebar, this is the url for Alan Light's Comics tags on Flicker:

Here you can find awesome convention photos he has taken, along with glimpses of Jack Kirby, Don & Maggie Thompson, CC Beck, Milton Caniff, Carl Barks, and Bill Woggon.  ;D

>:( Man that $50 for the Flashback index is really tick'n me off. I have half a mind to make an effort to dig up one, scan it, and email Light for permission to share it on GA-UK.

B.  :-\ gah.
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2009, 06:55:09 AM »

Having seen a couple I will warn you - they are not much to look at.  Basically photocopy quality.


What Yoc said, guys. These are mediocre photocopies, at best. As much as I was interested in old comics, when these came out I wasn't particularly tempted to buy more than a couple of them. They're hard to take.

Peace, Jim (|:{>

You're right Jim...these came in handy back in the Golden Age Dark Ages before Nolan, Rogers, Boucher and others hit the web. They are curiosities at best and only for those who are really interested in paper B&W reprints.

I never dreamed that sites like GA-UK would be realities -- I thought that I would have to win a nice lottery in order to have a chance at seeing all that we have here.

B.  :)
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2009, 06:58:20 AM »

I would wager that Jim (JVJ) remembers more about these ongoings though. That is a big hint to Jim that I would love to see his recollections of Golden Age Comics fandom from the 1970s and beyond if he will offer them.


B.   ;D

I remember a LOT about those days, Boox, but REAL Golden Age Comics Fandom was the 60s when Jerry Bails, Roy Thomas and the like were publishing. I came in rather late to that party - my first published "fanzine" was Promethean Enterprises #1 and to this day no one (including me) really knows whether it was a fanzine, an underground or something else entirely. But I hit the ground running and in 1971 I published "Doug Wildey's The Movie Cowboy", "Al Williamson: His Work", several issues of "George" (a fanzine review magazine), and at least one issue of Promethean. Those were heady days and I had LOTS more energy than I do now, that's for sure.

I'll be happy to try to answer any specific questions you might have, but rambling on about stuff that happened 40 years ago is going to bore everyone to tears.

Peace, Jim (|:{>

Thank you for your recollections Jim. And please do ramble when the mood strikes you. You are more than just a resource for awesome comic books and us younger pups who weren't even weened in the early seventies -- you have much internal history to share and that is valuable.

B.  :D
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Re: Need Fawcett Special Edition 1 with Capt Marvel
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2009, 07:00:34 AM »

The auction for the 11 books does state that the quality of the reprints is about that of a photocopier.  As boox909 points-out, they were probably an affordable alternative to spending a large sum of money on the originals, and when they came-out in the 70s, it was probably about the only way some people would ever see those stories (aside from fanzines, that is).  They're probably only worth money now because of their relative rarity and value as novelty items.

Personally, I've never been a huge fan of B&W books, especially when it comes to reprinting comics that were originally in color, although sometimes black & white is better than nothing at all.

Man that $50 for the Flashback index is really tick'n me off. I have half a mind to make an effort to dig up one, scan it, and email Light for permission to share it on GA-UK.

Didn't mean to get you angry, boox!  Honestly, I didn't even take note of the price he was asking because the info for the books was in the listing anyway.  Unfortunately, even on eBay, dealers enjoy over-pricing their items.  If you can get Mr Light's permission, I say go for it.
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