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Goldenage Canadian Comics

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Goldenage Canadian Comics
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:46:38 AM »

Why do we not have a section for Goldenage Canadian Comics? We have one for UK and AU comics. Can we have a section just for Canadian Whites? I am working on about 30 plus Canadian Whites as we speak (and the numbers are growing) such as Active Comics, Dime Comics, Joke Comics and WoW Comics plus some one shots that I have. Let me know. Right now I am editing Dime Comics # 1 and then off to Active Comics # 1. Just a thought.

Richard Boucher AkA Mr_Goldenage
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2016, 05:07:37 PM »

Ah be careful as the Canadian comics are trickier copyright wise. I think that we did have a Canadian section but merged them in and then had to pull Bell Features anyway :(
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2016, 05:08:49 PM »

Nelvana of the Northern Light was pulled!
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2016, 05:56:42 PM »

that is too bad....I also have Triumph Comics from # 8 forward to 30 and Commando Comics from # 1 forward as well......anyways....I could upload them to the Suspect folder for those who wants them. What do you think? I have "access" on those 6 titles until the runs end. Let me know. Thanks.

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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2016, 07:07:45 PM »

Not a good idea, I am afraid! Suspect is where we move stuff which we are unsure of or need to investigate ... we know we can't house these :(
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2016, 08:45:31 PM »

Thanks Mark....that is ok. I understand...sort of. Like with Moon Girl and Miss Fury I understood the PD question was troubling....however if the Library of Canada is letting these books be downloaded for free - Does that make them essentially Public Domain since the books now can be downloaded by anyone? Free distribution of these books by the Library of Canada speaks to the fact that if they were not PD then they would be in violation of a number of laws by allowing the books to be downloaded for free by anyone. Moon Girl and Miss Fury....I've got them so no big deal here....shame we cannot know? Thanks for your advice it is greatly appreciated as I would not want to do anything to harm this site. Take care my friend.


Richard Boucher for those who are interested, that is the starting link above.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 08:52:37 PM by mr_goldenage »
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2016, 05:46:00 AM »

Is the  Library of Canada allowing Bell to be downloaded Triumph Comics & Nelvana???

Off the top of my head Canadian law is 70 years after death if it is an individuals copyright and not corporate work for hire (70 years from publication). We ere contacted by the reissuers saying they had rights ... and 70 years is 70 years. So unless they were gifted I can't see they are PD ... Report back!
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2016, 07:20:53 AM »

Mark....go see for yourself...."Hillborough+Studio"&spi=-

I've downloaded over 100 plus Bell Feature Pub. books so far with another dozen or more to go. However they are in PDF form from the Library Archives of Canada. FYI.

Take Care....

« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 07:32:28 AM by mr_goldenage »
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2016, 01:54:14 PM »

The LAC is saying Bell ran from '42-'46 , so we are at 70 yrs Now

that being said

"Terms Governing Access:
Single issues can be requested individually via AMICUS. Requests should be made at least 3
days in advance of a visit , and must be submitted to LAC staff either via the web (see
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 02:09:06 PM by bdw »
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2016, 02:21:46 PM »

Never know unless you ask
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jimmm kelly

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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2016, 06:35:33 PM »

Thing is the comic book Nelvana was just chillin' for a long time until Nelvana the animation company started up and I guess they secured the copyright. I remember a long time ago trying to research Bell Features online and my search got me to the Nelvana website and this boiler plate document came up that you'd have to fill out to gain access to their materials. Seemed more trouble than it was worth.

Being they're a muli-national entertainment group, Nelvana probably isn't going to release anything they own without some high powered lawyering. That's my guess. A government agency like the Library and Archives Canada has better luck.

They also have historian John Bell who archived and researched this material. So he probably is the person to contact if you want to get to the Bell Features stuff.
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2016, 06:51:57 PM »

No we are NOT!! that is PUBLICATION date not the date of the death of the copyright holder (allegedly)

RIght, I will name names we were "warned off" in a VERY nice way by Hope Nicholson. I pushed and shoved but her argument appeared LEGALLY VERY sound. So off they all went. I think we had them all! That is why they are also not on DCM.

Google ... read up ... etc etc ... If Hope contacts me and says they are OK back they go in a heartbeat! Also I seem to remember that there was a 50/50 copyright with the library??

Anyway speak to her & report back!
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2016, 07:19:24 PM »

Well....I didn't "ask" anyone's permission to download these PDF files.Just went there and started downloading them...and I now done with that. I sit with 129 PDF files of all the Bell features books...If I could do it then I am sure I am not the only one who has without any interference from the Library. The shame of it all it was the only Canadian Goldenage company that was there. No Maple Leaf or Anglo-American (Double A Comics "AA" Comics) ect. which is a shame. Canada's Golden Age is in my opinion is one of the least explored area's for preservation, which if anyone who knows me is always been my main goal. I will always be on the hunt for these rare and in most cases gone forever books. Same with Movies that are long lost to us all (Turkish superhero movies as well as the Philippines movies too as well as other countries) so the hunt will always go on. Just my thoughts on this subject.

Richard Boucher AkA Mr_Goldenage
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2016, 07:25:15 PM »

Hi Gang,
Yes, Hope also asked DCM to remove the Bell books.  Her arguments looked local and legal.
Some of those files were even created by her before she got so involved in helping to create the Nelvana of the North collection.  I believe more collections on the publisher are in the works.  I agreed to take them off DCM as I too think the Canadian White deserve a lot more attention.  I don't want to see DCM stealing any thunder from their efforts.

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jimmm kelly

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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2016, 07:49:23 PM »

It's probably all thanks to John Bell that all those Bell Features books are in the Archive. When you're accessing them, you're accessing them for research not commercial use. There's a lot of legislation about this.

There are other archives and libraries in Canada that have some of this material--but they don't always take such good care of it. The Maple Leaf stuff that I read at the Vancouver Archives is just in a folder. I had to agree not to share any of the material that they photo-copied for me. Haven't accessed that archive in a long while, so I don't know the state of the comics now, but there wasn't extraordinary efforts taken to preserve them when I was there.

And I used to work in a library, in my student days, so I saw what extraordinary efforts could be taken by libraries and archives when they cared about the material in their collections.

In the UBC Special Collections, there was more comics--Maple Leaf, Bell and others. But they did an even worse job of preserving the comics. I kept my contact with those materials to the minimun because some comics were literally falling apart in my hand when I looked at them and I was being extremely careful. It pained me to see such comics left to the elements like a pile of leaves in the fall, crumbling to dust. I didn't bother to request photo-copies, because doing so would have destroyed the remains of these comics.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 07:52:12 PM by jimmm kelly »
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2016, 08:09:33 PM »

As I said ... get Hope Nicholson to explain why we can't have them here but she and the library can publish them. And report back!
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2016, 09:55:08 PM »

I just noticed this thread and the discussion about when the Canadian Whites would fall into the public domain. I presume this is public domain in the US.

The answer is determined from several components:

- the Canadian Whites were published during wartime, with no chance of having had their copyright registered Stateside
- when the US passed the Uruguay Round Agreement Act some 20 years ago, it provided that foreign works not previously registered in the US would fall into the public domain at the beginning of 1996, provided it was already in the public domain in the country of origin
- in Canada, the copyright term is the life of the creator plus the following 50 years, so works would be in the public domain there as long as the creator died before 1946. There is no "work for hire" rule in Canada to override this.
- as the creators were both the writers and artists, there is no question of joint authorship to muddy up when works would fall out of copyright in Canada under life + 50
- otherwise, the US copyright term expires 95 years after publication date

Therefore, the Canadian Whites will not start falling out of copyright until 2036 (as they started only in 1941). The circumstances regarding the availability noted for download from Library and Archives Canada are probably subject to any applicable license terms regarding their use, which would be worth exploring further.
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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2021, 01:29:11 AM »

I just ran across this thread looking for information on how to get ahold of the Nelvana of the Northern Lights collection.   :)

While it is not PD, the good news is Hope Nicholson has the full collection available on Amazon now. I received mine a few weeks ago and am enjoying it mightily. It's a great quality printing, IMHO.

I'll leave the link here, just in case it's helpful for someone else in the future looking to get ahold of these classic Adrian Dingle Nelvana stories.

[Nelvana of the Northern Lights Paperback ? August 23, 2017] on Amazon:
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paw broon

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Re: Goldenage Canadian Comics
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2021, 11:31:31 AM »

Thanks for the link.  Always good to get info like this.
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