Howdy. I'm Jon Glade from Wyoming, which is not a mythical land but a part of the United States (although at times it seems more like a condition than a state. I'm an old dog and I have been reading comic books since I first learned to read back in the fifties ("Showcase" #4 came out when I was in second grade) and I've been interested in comics from the golden age since Barry Allen first met Jay Garrick.
I don't believe I have any scans of books in the public domain which aren't already available, but I will double check all of my disorganised files to make sure. If I am able to contribute anything which is missing, I will but I do not anticipate being able to do so at this time.
I feel a bit like a kid in a candy store, but I'll try to display some restraint.
Kudos to those who started this site and to those who help keep it running.