I sent the following email to GCD and thought I'd post it here as well. I'm absolutely confident on the contents of Red Band #2 as I scanned that myself from JVJ's copy and Keltner reports the Bogay Man's origin is in the second issue.
Narfstar scanned JVJ's of #1 which as posted here has identical contents. Was/is that comic intact or is it possibly the loose contents of #2 tucked inside a cover for #1? We know it is a #1 cover because the indicia differs (though it doesn't actually say #1 anywhere)
My email to GCD follows:
I'm trying to figure out if our contents for Red Band Comics #1 and #2 are correct or if there were possibly multiple versions of #1.
For issue #1, we show a November 1944 date and contents:
Satanas 12p
Bogey Man 12 p
Sorceror and his Apprentice 9p
Captain Milksop 6p
Sgt Strong 5p
For issue #2 we show a January 1945 date and identical contents and order except the Sgt Strong story is 6 pages.
I've seen a copy of #2. The indicia indicates it is #2 with a January 1945 date and a 1944 copyright. The exact contents and order are:
Bogey man 12
First Aid (one-few panel gags) 1p signed by Jerry Schiano
Sorceror and his Apprentice 9p
Gag Parade (one panel gags) 1p signed by Jerry Schiano
Sgt Strong 6p
Passing the Buck text story by Bruce Elliott (no illo) 2p
Comedy Parade (one panel gags) 1p signed by Jerry Schiano
Captain Milksop 6p
Igloo Iggie by Bob Gordon 1p
Satanas 9p
The Bogey Man story is his origin (swiped from the Spirit's origin).
I've also seen a scan of #1 which has the identical contents including ads on the inside covers and back cover. The only differences are that the inside covers are printed in blue ink rather than the black ink of issue #2 and in the indicia on the inside front cover. It has no issue number nor date other than a copyright of 1944.
Since our data has the contents out of order for #2, I'm wondering if our data was verified by looking at a comic
Michelle Nolan's column
http://www.cgccomics.com/news/enews/cgc_enews_0507july.htm#a7says, "Red Band #1-2 had the same cover; Red Band #3-4 had the same contents as well as the same cover!" which would certainly indicate that the contents of #1 and #2 differ.
Does anyone have a copy of Red Band #1 with a 5 page Sgt Strong story and a non-origin Bogey Man story?