Cool Richard!
I am well off topic now, but it's a subject that I find REALLY interesting. Nerd that I am! The question is how to get more visitors and retain them? Now I guess you have seen/heard people offer to get sites to the top of Google search pages.
Now if you think about it. If they can do that, then that would mean that any site (no matter how bad) would, providing they were paid and did "the magic" appear at the top. Then users would click on the link .. find that it was rubbish and be dissatisfied. A few more like that and they'd leave to find a better search engine. Also, if they can do that why are they selling their services for a few hundred bucks. If I knew how to game the system I'd keep very quiet and make billions by creating my own sites
Did you know that Google puts in changes virtually very day. Tweaks and then real big changes a few times a year. Also .... they claimed (I think it is more now) that over 300 signals are used to decide on which pages to return in search results. (Bing claims 1,000+). That is for each page! And do they tell you what they are? NO!
But apart from the obvious (search words are there) .. they are things like how quickly does the page load, and low bounce rate. (That is people hitting a page and then immediately clicking the back button).
The message that they keep trying to drum into people is, spend your time creating unique, high quality content. Spend your time and effort on that rather than try to find ways to game the system. Anyway, that is what we are trying to do here and one of the main reasons why I got involved here. A site with great content and a community is a very good starting place to build on.
BTW for anyway one who has a website/blog then these are two first rate articles. You pretty much don't need anything else guy says NASA is a really disorganized site they pay no attention to trying to lure visitors in BUT the site is highly successful because they have spaceships! In other words interesting content. Well we have our spaceship in the form of our comics! top Google guy who's message is would your visitors trust your site with their credit card details or to buy on line meds. Have you the right signals, lots of little things that add up (eg: spelling,contact details etc). Do you look professional and trustworthy?
As a final interesting fact, CB+ has a VERY low bounce rate. Meaning that the vast majority of visitors are really happy when they land on one of our pages and don't click the back button. Now in one way this is actually too good! It means that we are just too targeted. As a group our visitors are too happy! (lots of too's there) So ideally we want to increase the numbers, open up the demographics a bit. So we'll have more visitors and a few more percentage wise who are not happy. So saying it's a very nice problem to have. I just mention this as an example of why it is all rather intriguing to me.
Regards (and sorry for straying so far away from topic),