Tony and the rest of you, I shouldn't write stuff after dinner and vino. I wrote Southern Squadron when it should have been Southern Knights - the group with the dragon
And, of course, the Crusaders I mentioned was the title of the group for the 1st. issue, a name which was changed to Southern Knights because of the Red circle group, Mighty Crusaders. Humble apologies.
But I also like Southern Squadron, the Aus. group.
Panther's post reminds me that I was a Badger fan and the early Nexus, with that lovely Steve Rude art, was great fun.
Cerberus really was laugh out loud, and, from experience, I can say that Dave Sim is seriously good company.
Thinking about Justice Machine reminds me of Hero Alliance. Being a superhero freak, I hoovered them up.
So many and now it'll have to be a rake through my shelves for the really small press titles.