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Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.

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Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:46:04 PM »

I have some comic book files that are just too large and would really like to reduce their file size. By "comic book files", I'm referring to .cbz and .cbr files (henceforth, jointly referred to as ".cbX" files.) Comic book files are merely .zip and .rar files with their extensions changed to .cbz and .cbr. They usually contain a set of .jpg images (.png and other image file formats are also used, but not as often), each image being a scanned page of the comic book, sometimes a combination of two pages.

Most people who do the scanning do a really fine job, but the images they produce are are often fairly large for better detail. This increased image size usually means that the resulting .cbX files are HUGE. You can easily start wanting more storage space if you have a lot of very large comic book files. Since .jpg files are already compressed image files, you really can't increase the compression on the .cbX files to make them appreciably smaller. What does work though, is to extract all the .jpg image files and then resample them. I've determined that setting the height to around 1500 pixels OR the width to about 1000 pixels and maintaining the aspect ratio makes the image about the right size for viewing for most comic books. Quality wise, a .jpg compression ratio of 75% works good too.

Unfortunately though, even if you batch process the images it's a tedious job if you have a lot of .cbX files to reduce.

There are a few programs out there that are supposed to streamline the process:


and this weird script thing that requires payware with it:

Comic Book CBx-To-CBx Convert & Resize:

I can't get either of the first two to work and neither has a help file. Also, I don't really understand how to use the last, weird script thing either.

It would be a good thing if there were another freeware option out there that worked, but I've looked and can find nothing.

Does anybody else have any ideas?


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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2020, 05:44:42 PM »

Hello from someone who is also new here. :)

I had a similar problem, I had JPG files, that were 40 MB per file.

I reduced these files with the program 'IrfanView' to about 1.2 MB per file. The quality was just as good as before. I zoomed in on a 40 MB file and zoomed in on the same 1.2 MB file, the quality was the same! I don't understand, how that is possible, but ultimately I didn't care.  :D

Please allow me to point out, that I am an amateur and cannot guarantee. It would certainly be good, to keep the original files for a while. :)

The program is freeware and has batch processing.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2020, 05:10:44 AM »

Past the following query into whatever searchengine you use.
how to reduce .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
I don't use microsoft or Google so I can't send you a link from my seach engine.
[I use or DuckDuckGo   
This youtube video may help.
Reduce The Size Of Comics (CBR,CBZ,CB7,CBT) Or Images

Can I suggest that when you find a solution that works for you, that you post the details here, so that others can benefit.

Good luck!

You could also use this search
how to create .cbz and .cbr files

How to create CBR files from jpg.

change the name from test-run.rar to test-run.cbr 

Personally I would have thought that if you all you do to create .cbr files is change the file extenstion, that the size change of what were JPG images would happen automatically?   

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2020, 12:02:53 PM »

Past the following query into whatever searchengine you use.
how to reduce .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
I don't use microsoft or Google so I can't send you a link from my seach engine.
[I use or DuckDuckGo   
This youtube video may help.
Reduce The Size Of Comics (CBR,CBZ,CB7,CBT) Or Images

Can I suggest that when you find a solution that works for you, that you post the details here, so that others can benefit.

Good luck!

You could also use this search
how to create .cbz and .cbr files

How to create CBR files from jpg.

change the name from test-run.rar to test-run.cbr 

Personally I would have thought that if you all you do to create .cbr files is change the file extenstion, that the size change of what were JPG images would happen automatically?

Regarding your last sentence, I have no idea what you're talking about. Most file types used for the images in a .cbz or .cbr file are already compressed and putting them in a .zip or .rar file won't reduce their size appreciably.

You are forcing me to go into far too much detail that you should already be aware of.

I suggest  that you re-read my original post. I *have* tried to find programs that will work. I *have* used multiple search engines an to find those programs and have exhausted all possible combinations of search terms. Your suggested search terms are *not* what I would use, because I already know how to create .cbz and .cbr files. My problem is that many of the files I have are far too large and I want to reduce their size, not how to create them.

I've registered and posted to this forum in the hope that others will have solved this problem, which I'm so far unable to do. Yes, of course I will post a solution *if I find one.* In the mean time, I'm hoping that somebody else who has also had this problem and has successfully dealt with it will post a reply describing that solution.
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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2020, 12:05:47 PM »

Hello from someone who is also new here. :)

I had a similar problem, I had JPG files, that were 40 MB per file.

I reduced these files with the program 'IrfanView' to about 1.2 MB per file. The quality was just as good as before. I zoomed in on a 40 MB file and zoomed in on the same 1.2 MB file, the quality was the same! I don't understand, how that is possible, but ultimately I didn't care.  :D

Please allow me to point out, that I am an amateur and cannot guarantee. It would certainly be good, to keep the original files for a while. :)

The program is freeware and has batch processing.

Yes, I know about IrfanView. However, the files that I want to batch process aren't the .jpg or .png or whatever files within the .cbz or .cbr files. What I want to batch process are the .cbz and .cbr files themselves.
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paw broon

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2020, 01:05:15 PM »

Hi JBVicc,
I can't answer your query so apologies.  However, a couple of members have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, and knowing panther, I am sure he did read your original post.  It's perhaps too obvious to say this, but I will;  a wee note along the lines of, "Thanks for responding, but that hasn't helped me", is a decent way to respond.
I have to admit that I haven't encountered your problem very often.  On cb+, we have some big files, annuals etc, but they do have high page counts.
I scan at 300 dpi,  and find  a 32 page comic doesn't come out too big, but size will increase if you start manipulating the pages.  This may be completely irrelevant.
Let's see if anyone else responds.

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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2020, 02:20:03 PM »

As 'Paw Broon' pointed out, I saw your post sit there for a while with no response and I thought I would offer some response.   
OK. Observation. You wrote,
Most people who do the scanning do a really fine job, but the images they produce are are often fairly large for better detail. This increased image size usually means that the resulting .cbX files are HUGE.

So I presumed you were trying to reduce the size of the images. But you also wrote,
Most file types used for the images in a .cbz or .cbr file are already compressed and putting them in a .zip or .rar file won't reduce their size appreciably.

So if I understand, you have decided that reducing the size of the individual images might reduce the size of the files - but you want to find a way to do a lot at once, [Batch Processing] rather than one at a time.     
So two things,
It's unclear to most of us, why the size of the individual files is a problem. I haven't created files, I admit, but I have downloaded what you call CBX files of up to 500 MB and generally have no trouble downloading, storing or opening them. With respect, you must have a very small memory storage available indeed. I have a fairly large collection of .CBX and CBR. files and a much larger collection of Music Files all on one 5 Terra byte standalone backup drive. Current one has only 2 TB of Data. When I fill one, I start another.
These type of drives are quite cheap these days. I also don't save data on my PC [laptop] because crashes happen on PCs and are a good way to lose all your data.
Secondly, I'm unconvinced personally that reducing the original size of the images would make enough difference to solve the problem, since as you said,
Most file types used for the images in a .cbz or .cbr file are already compressed

So here is my conclusion. This is a site where people up and download 'CBX' files, but we aren't technicians. I would suggest you post your query in an appropriate thread on Reddit. This is the kind of problem they specilize in solving.
And could I suggest, If you find a workable solution, a way to batchprocess images, that you post the solution here for others to use.
Good Luck to you.     
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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2020, 04:44:16 PM »

Indeed manners maketh man ...

Maybe slightly off topic, as it is a bit manual but I like a little utility which once installed is added to the menu when you right click on files

Also the jpg files being put into rar or zip is nothing to do with compression, it is just a way of creating a single file ... I think cbzs are such a simple but really smart idea. Certainly stood the test of time

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2020, 11:04:09 AM »

Hi JBVicc,
I can't answer your query so apologies.  However, a couple of members have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, and knowing panther, I am sure he did read your original post.  It's perhaps too obvious to say this, but I will;  a wee note along the lines of, "Thanks for responding, but that hasn't helped me", is a decent way to respond.
I have to admit that I haven't encountered your problem very often.  On cb+, we have some big files, annuals etc, but they do have high page counts.
I scan at 300 dpi,  and find  a 32 page comic doesn't come out too big, but size will increase if you start manipulating the pages.  This may be completely irrelevant.
Let's see if anyone else responds.


Yes, I very much appreciate the replies I've received to my question up to this point, but when "The Australian Panther" says "It's unclear to most of us, why the size of the individual files is a problem", I have two issues with that kind of reply:

1. Always remember that nobody can speak for anybody else in a forum ("to most of us"). That's an old axiom on Usenet (and I know that this forum isn't part of Usenet and is not a newsgroup) and saying something like that in almost any newsgroup is a good way to quickly get chastised by the other participants.

2. My reason for having a problem with file size is entirely my business and has nothing to do with my question about which program or method others are using to batch reduce a bunch of .cbX files' sizes.

However since #2 seems to be a stumbling block for other people, I will go ahead and explain:

A. I have limited storage capacity on the drive I'm using to archive my comic collection and don't want to have to go through the difficulty of ordering and installing yet another one.

B. Defragging or running an anti-malware check on a collection of large files takes longer than doing either on a collection of smaller files.

And I don't want to discuss my reason for having a "problem with file size" any further. Doing so diverts from the original question I have and is a complete waste of time.

So thanks for replying, but I don't think anybody who has done so up to this point understands what I'm saying. So I will start from scratch again:

Let's say a guy has several comic book files (*.cbz and *.cbr are the most common types, hereafter referred to jointly as .cbX files) and those files are all containing say 36 pages within them. The .cbX files within his collection are very large and he would like to conserve space on his drive by somehow reducing the file sizes of the .cbX files within his collection. He wants to find a program that will reduce the file sizes of the .cbX files, but a bunch of them at a time. How can this be done?

A .cbX file is simply either a .zip file or a .rar file with the file name extension changed from .zip to .cbz or from .rar to .cbr. That's the only difference between a .cbX file and a compressed (either .zip or .rar) file.

A .cbX file contains within it several image files usually in the .jpg format, but they can also be .png or some other image file type (I've so far only seen .jpg images in the .cbX files I've opened.) To view a list of the image files within a .cbX file, you can use a program such as 7-zip ( to "Open" the .cbX file. If you have 7-zip configured properly, the list will show you the actual image file size as well as the "compressed" (by 7-zip) file size. However, you will immediately notice that the image's actual, unarchived file size is the same or almost the same as the "compressed" file size if the image format is .jpg. This is because .jpg images are a already compressed versions of say, .bmp or .tiff files, the latter two of which are usually quite large in size. This is mainly why the .jpg image format came about in fact. And because they're already compressed, most archival programs like 7-zip or Winrar or Winzip don't bother trying to compress them further when you include .jpg or .png files in a collection of archived files within a .zip or .rar file since it won't make an appreciable difference to try to do so anyway.

However, if the images within a .cbX file were scanned at too high a resolution resulting in files that are  too large a height in pixels height by width in pixels, they can be "resampled" down to pixels in height and widths. Note that an image that is say 1000 pixels wide by 1600 pixels high is going to have the same file size regardless of how many pixels per inch resolution it is set to display at. That's because display resolution only determines the displayed size of the image (unless the program being used to display the image compensates for display resolution, as most comic book reader programs do.) If you don't understand the difference between scanning resolution and display resolution, then go here:

Regardless, about the only practical way to reduce the file size of a .cbX file is to extract all the images within it, then resample those images down to a smaller height and width in pixels. To do this safely, most image editing programs allow you to change either the size of the height or the width and then the other will be adjusted accordingly if you make sure that you preserve the "aspect ratio". There's usually a setting somewhere in such programs to allow you to do exactly that. Once all the images are reduced in total pixels height and total pixels width, they'll have an accordingly smaller individual image file size. Once you put all the image files back into a .cbz (.zip) or .cbr (.rar) file, that resulting .cbX file will naturally also have a smaller file size than the original.

However, if you have a BUNCH of .cbX files that are too large, it's far too tedious to have to do this process one comic book (.cbX file) at a time. Instead, you want a program which will automatically do this to several comic book .cbX files in a batch at a time. In other words, yes, the program should be able to batch process the image files within a .cbX file, but it should do this as a subset of the overall process of batch processing a bunch of .cbX files themselves.

If anybody doesn't understand this last paragraph, please feel free to ask me for further clarification. It's key to understanding the question I'm asking the group.

In my original post, I mentioned the three programs I've found so far which supposedly can do exactly this. Each of those programs has some kind of problem or another and I mentioned that in my OP. My search for a working (freeware) program has taken literally hours, so I feel that I've done due diligence. I had thought that I'd made that obvious enough, but perhaps my saying so here will make that I have done so more more clear. Accordingly, and as part of my search, I have created an account here and am asking if anybody else has found another way to batch reduce .cbX (as opposed to just batch reducing the image files within them) file sizes.

TIA for any help you can provide.

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2020, 11:14:08 AM »

Indeed manners maketh man ...

Maybe slightly off topic, as it is a bit manual but I like a little utility which once installed is added to the menu when you right click on files

Also the jpg files being put into rar or zip is nothing to do with compression, it is just a way of creating a single file ... I think cbzs are such a simple but really smart idea. Certainly stood the test of time

Yes, I can also easily batch process image files, but use Photoshop Elements which also has that capability built into it. However, doing that with literally hundreds of comic book files is far too tedious. I really am looking for a way to batch process the comic book files (the .cbz and .cbr files) themselves. In other words, with such a program as I'm looking for, batch processing the image files would be a subset of the overall process of batch processing a bunch of .cbz or .cbr files.

Thanks for replying though.
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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2020, 11:17:18 AM »

My apologies to anybody I came across to as being kind of cranky. Health problems and medication have kind of put me off my oats. I really do appreciate all the replies I've gotten and any attempts to help me with my search. 80)>
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paw broon

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2020, 11:51:57 AM »

Thanks for that JBVicc.  While I can't help with your question, I can perhaps point you to another way of storing your digital files. Apologies in advance if you already know all this.  Both Mediafire and Mega NZ allow 50gb free storage to anyone signing up.  If you're worried about your email being out there, sign up to proton mail, it's free and very, very secure.  I use both those cloud sites, but of course in my case, I have paid out, not a lot, for additional hard drives.  I therefore have a bit of security and duplicate drives.  Also, so much material is available free on a number of sites that you don't always need to download. 
It is your business, but I have to be a bit more assertive here, a small amount spent on a tb external drive is more than worth it.  Unless you have huge amounts of files, that is.
By the way, scanning comic files for malware doesn't take up much time.  Avira and other free products will do it for you double quick with a simple right click. I've just scanned a 122mb Annual in less than 2 seconds.
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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2020, 09:55:44 PM »

Thanks for that JBVicc.  While I can't help with your question, I can perhaps point you to another way of storing your digital files. Apologies in advance if you already know all this.  Both Mediafire and Mega NZ allow 50gb free storage to anyone signing up.  If you're worried about your email being out there, sign up to proton mail, it's free and very, very secure.  I use both those cloud sites, but of course in my case, I have paid out, not a lot, for additional hard drives.  I therefore have a bit of security and duplicate drives.  Also, so much material is available free on a number of sites that you don't always need to download. 
It is your business, but I have to be a bit more assertive here, a small amount spent on a tb external drive is more than worth it.  Unless you have huge amounts of files, that is.
By the way, scanning comic files for malware doesn't take up much time.  Avira and other free products will do it for you double quick with a simple right click. I've just scanned a 122mb Annual in less than 2 seconds.

Scanning a single comic book is never going to be an issue, even one as large as 1gb. However, most people who are into comic books have a large collection, and then it becomes a problem.

Also, the cost of the drive isn't an issue at all. It's the hassle of ordering and waiting for it. Then there's the issue of transferring all the files onto the new drive. This isn't an arguable point. I really want to be able to easily reduce the size of several .cbX files at a time. Please, EOD.
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paw broon

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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2020, 08:05:16 AM »

You know, ordering, waiting for delivery, transferring files to a new drive would have been an awful lot faster than going down this rabbit hole.

I do hope "EOD" means end of debate, because, "I'm Out".
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Re: Reducing .cbz and .cbr file sizes.
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2020, 08:43:18 PM »

You know, ordering, waiting for delivery, transferring files to a new drive would have been an awful lot faster than going down this rabbit hole.

I do hope "EOD" means end of debate, because, "I'm Out".

Well that's probably a good thing then. Actually, it meant "End Of Discussion", as in end of discussing why I should accept large file sizes and not worry about finding a way to reduce .cbX file sizes. You diverted the topic completely away from my original question, and this discouraged others from talking about it as well. You did me no favor. Yours was the kind of repling that I sincerely do NOT appreciate.
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