So my school has finally allowed teachers to take some weird, distantly-remembered thing called a "vacation", and vacation means time for comics...
I randomly picked out a fizzfop video that focuses on a character called
"The Hangman". This character is still around, and yet it seems that despite his eightysomething years of existence, he's never had a particularly detailed or enticing backstory beyond vowing to avenge the killers of his brother. I chose a comic at random which happened to be volume 4: had read a couple of online comments suggesting Hangman was a bit violent for its time and the cover of this volume was certainly eye-catching to say the least! It's notable how ugly the Nazi characters were drawn.
In this volume the first story is "Mr Howard and The Hunter". Hangman catches a Nazi agent who inadvertently passed his secret briefcase detailing bizarrely specific and incriminating transactions to a fired employee. Hangman engages in a race against a villain called the 'The Hunter' who made me smile because he is dressed as a caveman and wields a spear yet also works as a Nazi agent. Naturally, all the Nazis speak with broken English and insert extra 'v' and long 'e' sounds in their speech. Hangman eventually outwits The Hunter to capture the briefcase and, presumably, prosecute the agent. A decent story.
The second story "The Cruise of the Skeletons", the tale begins with two sailors who apparently had survived some kind of tropical disease. Hangman is suspicious however and it soon turns out that one of the sailors was up to no good. To prove this Hangman needed to recover....a set of a file suspiciously similar to the one in the previous story. Hmmm, lazy writing, anyone? To be fair the setting and events are different enough to make the second story readable and enjoyable, too. Throughout both stories, all characters were drawn with a distinct level of talent, their facial expressions in particular are captivating.
I give Hangman
5.5/10. If I'm being honest, there's nothing about this hero that I particularly liked. His costume, his speech, his behavior and his backstory were all lifted from other characters and comics and absolutely nothing here makes it better than those it was taken from. I believe that as with so many comics and characters, Hangman was a product of the age he was created in, his raison d'?tre was to remind everyone that Nazis were bad and in that sense, he succeeded.