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The Batman (no spoilers)

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The Batman (no spoilers)
« on: March 26, 2022, 03:57:13 PM »

Watched it last week on the big screen.

Overall, a very good movie. Purists will love this version of Gotham. It's equal to the Arkham series of video games with a truly dark, dreary, gothic city of crime rather than just a clone of New York. Other positives include Pattison making a very good Batman, if not a good Bruce Wayne, Batman doing a lot of actual detective work, an interesting scary take on The Riddler and a general lack of woke political messages that seem to infect all modern superhero movies (although there a couple of cheap lines, they don't hurt the movie).

The characters of Chief Gordon and Catwoman are well-done. The film overall is an example of diversity done right.

Things that I was less keen on in this reboot included its length. Like most viewers, I found myself checking my watch, the first time I have ever done this for a Batman film. Some scenes and conversations are notably bloated and in particular, the ending is badly edited and needlessly drawn out. The actor who plays Alfred, though talented, doesn't quite fit the image of Alfred like Michael Caine used to. My biggest criticism however is in some of the logical and moral conclusions Batman draws at the end of the story. I can't say more without spoiling so I won't, but I think it will become obvious to anyone who watches. Finally, Pattison is much better as Batman than as Bruce Wayne, whom he portrays as basically a dull, emo character. I really hope that the sequel sees him becoming more like the Bruce Wayne we know.

None of these negatives stop the film from being very good, however. I would love to see the world of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker merge with this take on Batman to see them go to war but that looks unlikely just now. Here's hoping, though!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2022, 01:47:30 AM by gregjh »
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Re: The Batman (no spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2022, 10:13:36 PM »

Thank you, gregjh, for you analysis. At present, my free time is so limited that having the time, plus travel, to see this film seems unlikely. From all I?ve read, the theatre experience has positively factored into the enjoyment of this film.

I grew up on 1950?s silly Batman, but hated the TV show, which seems contradictory now. The epitome of the character, for my tastes, was the issues in the late 1970?s drawn by Marshall Rogers.

The total output of Batman movies, and the huge differences in tone amongst them, leaves me sort of cold to the character. I will, no doubt, free up time to see this at some point. I?m certain that, positive press prevailing, it will be a good experience.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: The Batman (no spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2022, 12:59:09 AM »

Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers on Batman.
That run did have a crucial effect on the Batman mythos and also on Miller's work and the films. Superb work too. There was something 'Fishy?' about the Joker in those stories.
And Silver St Cloud? Wow!
Marshall Rogers iconic Batman

Hate the constant use of the term, 'iconic' but in this case it fits. 

Re the current movie, I take note of your review and respect your opinion, but I have also seen contrary reviews.
This one backs up some of your thoughts, but only some.

A few loose thoughts on Matt Reeves - The Batman

Will refrain from making much comment until I know what I am talking about. 
One thing, visually. The poster. The mask looks like a cosplay mask, looks like something put together in a fanboys bedroom. His expression., He looks super-serious but conveys no authority. 
I wouldn't be afraid of him if I saw him in a dark alley. I wouldn't know what he might do next, but that's another kind of fear. 
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 11:43:08 AM by The Australian Panther »
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paw broon

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Re: The Batman (no spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2022, 08:08:36 AM »

While I haven't seen it he film, you will have seen the Gotham street where aka Books and Comics had it's 2nd shop, after the Virginia Galleries were scheduled for development. All because some of the film was made in Glasgow. Ths Gotham street was created in Parnie Street, behind the Tron Theatre.
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Re: The Batman (no spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2022, 06:16:36 AM »

Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers on Batman.
That run did have a crucial effect on the Batman mythos and also on Miller's work and the films. Superb work too. There was something 'Fishy?' about the Joker in those stories.
And Silver St Cloud? Wow!
Marshall Rogers iconic Batman

Hate the constant use of the term, 'iconic' but in this case it fits. 

Re the current movie, I take note of your review and respect your opinion, but I have also seen contrary reviews.
This one backs up some of your thoughts, but only some.

A few loose thoughts on Matt Reeves - The Batman

Will refrain from making much comment until I know what I am talking about. 
One thing, visually. The poster. The mask looks like a cosplay mask, looks like something put together in a fanboys bedroom. His expression., He looks super-serious but conveys no authority. 
I wouldn't be afraid of him if I saw him in a dark alley. I wouldn't know what he might do next, but that's another kind of fear.

Thanks for your thoughts TAP, please do share your thoughts on the film if and when you see it. This is one of those movies that seems to occupy the middle ground, with many different conclusions on it.
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paw broon

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Re: The Batman (no spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2022, 06:52:06 PM »

 Terry Austin was as important to the success of the Rogers series  a run I loved.   I might never see this film. TBH I'm not a fan of modern  Batman films.  Having lived through Dick Sprang, Aparo, Newton, Davis, Adams, I find it difficult to accept a soap opera version.
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