For decades, all I had were 3 Vance films on one videotape, one taped off the air, the other 2, copy-edited to remove commercials (which means the quality drops). Each of these with a very-different actor in the lead. So for decades, I wasn't impressed.
Then I watched the early William Powells on Youtube. WOW. Even one step removed from silents, even bad prints... WOW.
I think one thing that cracked me up was the mind-boggling "coincidence" ("seredipity"?) of watching not 1, 2 or 3 but 4 different stories in one week-- by "dumb luck"-- that all had the SAME method of murder in them. A Campion, a Sherlock Holmes, a Philo Vance, and a TV episode of Charlie Chan. WHAT ARE THE ODDS?
I checked, the Campion & Vance novels were written very close to each other, both involved a house of people who all hated each other. One could have borrowed from the other (it happens al the time in fiction, music, etc.). But the murder method... had to have been borrowed, in all 3 of the later cases, from the SAME Sherlock Holmes story... "
The Problem Of Thor Bridge". The trick was each author finding a different context to use it in. (This is called "creativity"!

So then I started on this "1930s" movie marathon, which would give me a chance to watch almost every movie I had from that era in the order of release date. The only films I was skipping were sci-fi (a previous marathon), Holmes, Moto & Chan (just watched all those).
It was when I dug out "
The Kennel Murder Case"-- Powell's 4th and the 1st from Warner Bros.-- that I realized what a JAW-DROPPINGLY good murder mystery it was, for the year it was filmed!!! Michael Curtiz pulled an "Orson Welles", by employing every possible visual trick at his disposal to take a very TALK TALK TALKY story and make it VISUAL as all get-out. It's apparently considered one of the best murder mystery films of the whole of the 1930s.
So then I went looking... and found this
OnesMedia outfit who had-- and I dind't find this out 'til I got it in the mail--
13 Vance films all in one set, plus a free William Powell comedy as a bonus. And now I'm working my way thru it one film per week.
The tragedy is... it was all downhill for Vance after that.
Paramount did 4-- 3 with Powell, one with Warren William. All 4, right now are only available in TERRIBLE prints. The earliest MGM-- the one with Basil Rathbone-- the print is STUNNING!!! Damn. Somebody needs to look into restoring those Paramounts. 3 of them are among the best (all William Powell). The 4th one... well, that's an almost-unwatchable disaster. Somebody got the idea to do a film starring GRACIE ALLEN-- without George Burns-- and make Philo Vance the sidekick. AUGH! (I tried! I gave it every chance. Even Vance got angry as hell at Gracie's on-screen stupidity.)
There's a number of Vance appearance I haven't seen... and the guy at OnesMedia told me he hasn't been able to track them down.
PARAMOUNT ON PARADE (1930). Anthology film with "Murder Will Out". Features Powell as Vance, Eugene Pallette as Sgt. Heath, Clive Brook as Sherlock Holmes, and Warner Oland as Fu Manchu. Fu MURDERS both Vance & Holmes. No, really!
EL CUERPO DEL DELITO (1930 / Paramount) -- Ramon Pereda stars in the Spanish language version of "
The Benson Murder Case".
THE SCARAB MURDER CASE (1936 / British & Dominions Film Corporation) -- Wilfred Hyde-White as Vance in the only UK Vance film ever made. "LOST"!
NIGHT OF MYSTERY (1937 / Paramount) -- Grant Richards as Vance in this remake of "
The Greene Murder Case". Known to be held in some collection, but NOT in circulation.
SUN VALLEY SERENADE (1941 / 20th Century-Fox) -- intended as "The Sonja Henie Murder Case", Wright wrote the novel as "
The Winter Murder Case", but Fox decided to REMOVE both Vance and the murder and just make it a musical-comedy. NO, REALLY!!! I'm not sure if this is available on disc or anything, but it is posted on Youtube, and I have it bookmarked.
LA STRANA MORTE DEL SIGNOR BENSON (1974 / Italy / TV) -- Giorgio Albertazzi as Vance in the 3rd version of "
The Benson Murder Case". Only available on disc WITHOUT English subtitles.
LA CANARINA ASSASSINATA (1974 / Italy / TV) -- Giorgio Albertazzi as Vance in the 2nd version of "
The Canary Murder Case". Only available on disc WITHOUT English subtitles.
LA FINE DEI GREENE (1974 / Italy / TV) -- Giorgio Albertazzi as Vance in the 3rd version of "
The Greene Murder Case". Only available on disc WITHOUT English subtitles.
I find it interesting that this Italian company decided to do the first 3 Vance novels IN ORDER (unlike Paramount back when). At least one of these is on Youtube, GREAT-looking print, but, no subtitles, and I don't-a speaka no EYE-TALIAN!
VYVRADEN RODINY GREENU (2002 / Czech Republic / TV) -- Jiri Dvoak as Vance in the 4th version of "
The Greene Murder Case". Not currently available on DVD! (I asked a seller in the Czech Republic!!)
Honestly, there is BUSINESS to be made for some enterprising company who would take on creating versions of these 4 films with English subtitles.