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New .cbr Viewing Software

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New .cbr Viewing Software
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:06:55 PM »

Has anyone used this version of .cbr and .cbz reader?

It's called eComic (I think) ...
I was wondering because after my computer memory loss (I am partially recovered) I had a hard time finding CDisplay again. The site I found it at last time no longer contains the download link. I found it on a disk I had as a back-up that I had forgotten about and reloaded CDisplay but I'm still wondering what to make of eComic. Is it the next New Thing for reading digital comics?
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  • avatar for old site member: sswrighton
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 07:09:47 PM »

Yes, it is called eComic--and it's my software.

Even though it's mine, I don't think I would go so far as to say it's the next "New Thing for reading digital comics."  Would I like it to be?  Sure. I would love that. But that's not why I build it.  I build it, because I like programming, and needed something to work on in my spare time. Even if it being the next big thing in digital comics was the reason for my building it, it's still not in any shape to be classified as such as all the functionality of CDisplay is not there, and even the functional base that I'm aiming for I've not reached yet (still working on the color/image processing stuff which I would consider essential for the application).

A lot of its functionality is based upon what CDisplay does, but it's updated to the .NET framework, and modern operating systems*.  Additionally, where I'm going in regards to its functionality is also based on what CDisplay does.

Anyways, since you're uncertain on what to make of eComic, I feel the need to explain that I build it to support the way that I read digital comics.  As I've worked on this more and more, I've begun to consider implications of other features that I would not use, and how it would impact the system. It's why I've added in things like a "Full Screen" mode. Yet, the system works fundamentally the way that I expect a digital comic reader to work. If there's something that you think would make it better, please don't hesitate to tell me.

- Stephen

*This is important (not eComic itself but the fact that it's updated), as at some point CDisplay will no longer work on new versions of Windows. Some 64-bit Windows will NOT open 16-bit programs at all (I know for a fact that 64bit Server 2008 is one of these). 
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 09:30:32 PM »

Pretty awesome that you're a member here. Enjoy your downloads!

Let us know if you need any other assistance.


Yes, it is called eComic--and it's my software.

Even though it's mine, I don't think I would go so far as to say it's the next "New Thing for reading digital comics."  Would I like it to be?  Sure. I would love that. But that's not why I build it.  I build it, because I like programming, and needed something to work on in my spare time. Even if it being the next big thing in digital comics was the reason for my building it, it's still not in any shape to be classified as such as all the functionality of CDisplay is not there, and even the functional base that I'm aiming for I've not reached yet (still working on the color/image processing stuff which I would consider essential for the application).

A lot of its functionality is based upon what CDisplay does, but it's updated to the .NET framework, and modern operating systems*.  Additionally, where I'm going in regards to its functionality is also based on what CDisplay does.

Anyways, since you're uncertain on what to make of eComic, I feel the need to explain that I build it to support the way that I read digital comics.  As I've worked on this more and more, I've begun to consider implications of other features that I would not use, and how it would impact the system. It's why I've added in things like a "Full Screen" mode. Yet, the system works fundamentally the way that I expect a digital comic reader to work. If there's something that you think would make it better, please don't hesitate to tell me.

- Stephen

*This is important (not eComic itself but the fact that it's updated), as at some point CDisplay will no longer work on new versions of Windows. Some 64-bit Windows will NOT open 16-bit programs at all (I know for a fact that 64bit Server 2008 is one of these). 

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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 09:57:21 PM »

Has anyone used this version of .cbr and .cbz reader?

It's called eComic (I think) ...
I was wondering because after my computer memory loss (I am partially recovered) I had a hard time finding CDisplay again. The site I found it at last time no longer contains the download link. I found it on a disk I had as a back-up that I had forgotten about and reloaded CDisplay but I'm still wondering what to make of eComic. Is it the next New Thing for reading digital comics?

Does this work:
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 12:32:38 AM »

Thanks, Roy. I'll bookmark that one for MrsCharlie (for some reason her desktop won't load CDisplay from my disk, it always gets corrupted somehow even though it runs fine on mine).

Stephen, I'll give eComic a try.

Wow, ask about a new reader and get an answer from the programmer. That's GAC ofr ya, lol
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2010, 12:47:22 AM »

But when you stop to think about it, where ELSE would you expect to find him?

Just as form follows function, so do programmers follow their passions.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2010, 02:41:04 AM »

Just tried out ecomic and it is OK. I like the magnifying glass but the slider is backward. Left makes bigger while right smaller. Here are some "problems" I see.
The down arrow goes down a whole page not incremental. The space bar does not go to the next unseen section of the page you are on. Not sure if these are functions others like from cdisplay but they are what I like. Thanks for providing a choice of viewers Stephen.
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2010, 01:52:07 PM »

box9009 - Thanks! I've longed had a bookmark to this site, and even include a link to it from the "Discussions" tab of the eComic site, and the big image on the main page, displays a comic I downloaded from here.

Just tried out ecomic and it is OK. I like the magnifying glass but the slider is backward. Left makes bigger while right smaller. Here are some "problems" I see.
The down arrow goes down a whole page not incremental. The space bar does not go to the next unseen section of the page you are on. Not sure if these are functions others like from cdisplay but they are what I like. Thanks for providing a choice of viewers Stephen.
I never noticed that the slider for the loupe was working backwards. I know why from a programmatic/mathematical reason that it's doing that, but you're right, from a user experience perspective it is backwards. Will definitely fix that.

Now, for the down arrow and the space bar functions, I can admit that these are not things I've ever used even in CDisplay.  As stated above, the foundational functions I built it by are the way I read digital comics, and I typically read them as full images on the screen. It's why the "Fit to Screeen" functions and the magnifying glass are built.   Anyways, I'll see about getting that functionality into place. 
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Janus Wolf

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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2010, 10:35:23 PM »

Just thought I would add, amoung the web site development, we are also making a comic reader. However, we will use library QT instead of .NET. This means the program will look and feel like it was build for windows, but it will work with all the major operating systems like Linux and Mac OS ( and look native for them as well ).

There will be also a unique feature for current creators as well. I have shared this with the admins. Current development has been over the fast week.


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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2010, 10:05:21 AM »

Very nice program! I was able to use it in moments and I'm as sharp as a sack of wet mice so good job! The only thing that bothers me is the white background. It's a bit distracting. Thanks for your hard work.  ;)
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Re: New .cbr Viewing Software
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2013, 02:38:04 AM »

I still use cdisplay 99% of the time. However, I have found 2 other programs which come close as replacements.
Honeyview is the most direct replacement I've found. It's more lightweight & simpler to use than the other option, while still having some improved features over cdisplay:
Mangameeya is more of a powerhouse program. It's interface and options have a steeper learning curve (partly because there are so many options available), but it can do more:
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