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topic icon Author Topic: COMEDY  (Read 1936 times)


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« on: September 01, 2023, 10:36:48 PM »


Outragious comedy-adventure about an organization intended to commit murder-for-money, but only if there's a moral reason involved, which has gotten corrupted by the pursuit of PROFIT, and which one of its members wishes to steer in a more decidedly POLITICAL direction. 

Oliver Reed, Diana Rigg, Telly Savalas & Curt Jurgens head one of the most astonishing "all star" casts of English actors I've ever laid eyes on in my life, most of whom only have tiny cameos (I'm reminded of YOU MUST BE JOKING).  One of the most charismatic actors in the whole film, Roger Delgado, only has ONE line of dialogue! Eugene Deckers (the 1954 SHERLOCK HOLMES tv series) has a much-bigger part early-on. 

I haven't seen this in at least 20 years (I've no idea where my tape of it vanished to), but imagine my delight when I found out a BRAND-NEW scan, restoration & Blu-Ray was put out by Arrow Films only this past MAY!!!  Surprisingly, it's a Region-A disc.  I wonder, did they also put out a Region-B? An Australian outfit, Imprint, has also put out a Region-Free disc.  Hmm. 

The story takes place around 1908, and is a highly-fictionalized account of events leading toward the first World War.
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The Australian Panther

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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2023, 08:26:53 AM »

Two things about 'The Assassination Bureau'.
It was based on a book by Jack London. Which was not a comedy.
Prof, you may know already, but didn't mention it, but Roger Delgado was the first [and best] actor to play the Doctor's villainous time-lord nemesis, the Master.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 10:32:46 PM by The Australian Panther »
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« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2023, 04:34:44 PM »

All thru the film, I kept yelling at my TV when I'd recognize another actor I knew from TV or movies. And some, when I couldn't remember their names.

It annoyed me I couldn't remember Eugene Deckers' name. He's to the 1954 HOLMES what Monty Landis was to THE MONKEES-- he's in 7 different episodes, each time playing a different and always stand-out character. After I finished, I looked the film up at the IMDB, and there were quite a few actors listed I had not even seen in the film!

Roger Delgado's the one who gets me, as he's one of the board members, so he's in the film right from the beginning. But he never gets a single line until all the chaos erupts on the zepellin. It's like he was crowded out by so many other people. And usually, he steals anything he's in!

I haven't listened to the audio commentary yet, but I did watch the Matthew Sweet interview. He mentions the guy who played the gondolier as if he was someone famous... but I have NO IDEA who the hell the guy is. I could look him up, but...

Somehow, Wolf Mankiewicz (who he mentioned) does not appear to be listed at the IMDB page at all. Hmm. He apparently also worked on CASINO ROYALE, but where that is a chaotic, shambling atrocity on every possible level, this film's far more refined and controlled in its lunacy. It's like this is the kind of film CR wanted to be.

A film I've seen only recently that has a very similar vibe is THE BEST HOUSE IN LONDON. It has a few things in common: an outspoken lady suffragette, a high-class brothel, a zeppelin, and Warren Mitchell! You could easily watch them as a double-bill.
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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2023, 04:36:04 PM »

Strangely enough, according to Matthew Sweet, the novel (which was unfinished for about 55 years) takes place entirely in the USA. The movie, however, takes place all over Europe.

Jack London seemed to sense Europe was STUPIDLY building up for war (which they were). But of course, the film looks back with hindsight.

I believe Sweet mentioned that the the evils pointed out in this film has STILL NOT YET been acknowledged by most of the world! Oliver Reed's character insists they never will be.
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The Australian Panther

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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2023, 11:25:04 PM »

Jack London seemed to sense Europe was STUPIDLY building up for war (which they were). 

London went to London to report the coronation of King Edward VII from the perspective of the London poorest inhabitants. and never forgot what he saw.
Jack London’s Autobiographical Account of the East End Slums:The People of the Abyss

A must-read book which should be much better known.   

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« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2023, 07:09:46 PM »

"Slum dwellers, who on average received low wages, had to pay disproportionately high rents to landlords."

This is going on ALL OVER America right now, and getting steadily worse.  A general strike and/or uprising of some sort is coming. I can't wait to see it.
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« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2023, 02:18:58 AM »

So tonight I'm watching MIGHTY JOE YOUNG (1949), Ray Harryhausen's 1st feature film, where he worked with Willis O'Brien. If GODZILLA owed its life to THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS, then MOTHRA was inspired by MJY.  Both stories involve cute girls and show business, and the monster is the hero of the picture.

Among the many actors who I recognized tonight (some for the first time as my knowledge of Hollywood keeps growing), Robert Armstrong as "Max O'Hara" really stands out.  WHY?  His OUT-OF-CONTROL ego-maniacal promoter character must have been a big favorite of either Steve Ditko, or S*** L**, or both.  Watching this just now, I had the strongest feeling that S*** L** based his ENTIRE fake personality on this lunatic!

Unlike Marvel's "editor", Max O'Hara turns out to not be such a bad guy by the last act of the film.  His antics FOILING the blood-thirsty COPS who've gotten a court order to shoot the "dangerous" gorilla add a lot of humor to an otherwise thrilling-as-hell climax.

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« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2023, 03:57:59 AM »


Oldrich Lipsky's BAT-S*** crazy comedy based on Jules Verne's "The Carpathian Castle". I just found out they're doing a brand-new restoration of it, and issuing it on BLU-RAY!!  My comments posted at the Blu-Ray-com site:

"Wonderful, yet maddening.  Only last year, I got the 2016 Bohemia Motion  Pictures Region 2 PAL DVD from the Czech Republic.  LOVE the film...  but on my Region-Free DVD player, I had to have the TV set to "normal"  instead of "zoom" in order to avoid having the English subtitles at the  bottom CUT OFF, so there's black bars on all 4 sides.  Also, As it's  PAL, in America, it's running at the wrong speed.  I have since gotten  both "LEMONADE JOE" and "ADELE'S DINNER" on Region-Free Blu-Ray, and  began to wonder if this later film had ever been released on Blu-Ray as  well.  As I keep telling people, Blu-Rays are encoded by an  entirely-different system than either NTSC or PAL, and so, play at the  correct speed in EVERY country!  So despite my buying this thing quite  recently, I would love to get this kind of an upgrade.  Lipsky's films  are bat-s*** crazy fun!"

Here's the article they posted:
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« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2023, 09:27:02 PM »


Currently my #1 favorite comedy film!

I think customer feedback is important, don't you?  JUST sent to Shout Factory:

Just got your 40th Anniversary ROCK 'N' ROLL HIGH SCHOOL Blu-Ray.  FABULOUS job all-round!

A few comments:

The info sheet on the back, which is not printed on the back of the box, CANNOT fit into the slot inside the box.  HOW did you screw up something so common to so many similar packages?

The SPINDLE holding the disc is one of the WORST I've seen.  It was so difficult to get the disc loose without CRACKING it... once I got the disc out, I actually went in with a pair of pliers and TORE OUT one of the 6 pieces sticking up.  Whatta ya know?  The disc pops in AND OUT much easier now!  (I have NEVER felt compelled to do this before.)

Please look into this.  I've been buying a minimum of one DVD or Blu-Ray (or box set) every week for the last 5 years, I've seen a wide variety of spindle designs.  Trust me, there are WAY-better spindle designs than this.  Example: I have 2 discs from "CLASSIC FLIX".  Both of them, you push down on a central button, and the disc POPS out on its own!

Finally, this "disc authoring error" problem remains annoying.  That's when, if you hit "STOP", it instantly goes back before the menu and you have to start all over, preventing you from just shutting the film off in the middle to take a break, and pick up where you left off hours later.  Shout Factory, Universal, and Disney all have this, MOST companies don't, so it's clear it's just a matter of CUTTING COSTS instead of really caring about quality.

You do great products.  But you can still DO BETTER.  Take care!
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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2024, 09:34:28 PM »

Today's movie may quality as the MOST "British" British comedy I've ever seen...


Terry-Thomas stars as a minor bureaucrat who's suddenly assigned to deal with a tiny island nation which has a treaty with England that everyone in England has forgotten, due to a pair of English geologists digging there for some unknown minerals.  This has stirred up interest from the US and USSR, and as the British Minister puts it, "If anything's there, WE'RE getting it!"

What they don't count on is not just how corrupt and incompetent the government there is (as well as their own representatives), but a new, YOUNG king who's smarter than any of them, and wants to figure out what's REALLY going on before he re-affirms his country's treaty with England.

Apart from Ian Bannen, Peter Sellers (who goes thru the whole movie looking and sounding like a Mexican bandit), Lucianna Paluzzi (who in my opinion NEVER looked as beautiful as she does in this film) and John Le Mesurier, it also features 2 actors who were in Hammer's DRACULA the year before:  Miles Malleson (the ambassador who hasn't heard from his home office in 59 years), and John Van Eyssen (who has a MUCH-bigger and better part in here than when he played "Jonathan Harker").

Other actors I recognize were Thorley Walters, Ronald Adam, Nicholas Parsons, Irene Handl, Basil Dignam, Sam Kydd, Margaret Lacey, Anthony Chinn, Kenneth Griffith, Marne Maitland, and Austin Trevor.

Absurdly released in the US under the STUPID title of "MAN IN A COCKED HAT", I can't imagine this made any money at all over here.

This trailer really doesn't begin to capture the thing...
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