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topic icon Author Topic: COLUMBO  (Read 2465 times)


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« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2025, 11:31:09 AM »

Have you watched Étude in Black yet? That's probably my favourite episode. There's just something about the build up, acting and dialogue in the "suppose it was you" scene that made me realise the writers and Peter Faulk were true geniuses.
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« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2025, 04:17:57 AM »

COLUMBO:  Lovely But Lethal
The Cosmetics Queen   (6 of 10)

The head of a cosmetics firm that's been losing money pins her hopes on a new formula, but when it's stolen by one of her chemists, a one-time boyfriend of hers, she fails to negotiate with him, and, in a fit of rage, hits him on the head with a heavy microscope. Not what you'd call a well-planned-out murder, HMM?

For the rest of the episode, Lt. Columbo increasngly drives her up a wall, has her demanding to be left alone, and finally shocks her when he announces he's arresting her for murder.

Vera Miles (TARZAN'S HIDDEN JUNGLE) is "Viveca Scott", the strong-willed owner of a large company who let her emotions get in the way of logic.

Martin Sheen (APOCALYPSE NOW!) is "Karl Lessing", a chemist who not only stole from his employer, but went too far and practically asked to be murdered.

Vincent Price (HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL) is "David Lang", Viveca's main rival who intended to buy the stolen formula from Karl until he learned of his murder. I agree with those who say he should have had more screen-time in this story.

Sian Barbara Allen is "Shirley Blane", Lang's secretary who's also paid by Viveca to spy on him, learns too much, and decides to try blackmail.  That doesn't end well!

Gino Conforti, Bruce Kirby, John Finnegan and Richard Stahl round out the cast.  I'd say this episode was merely average, and may have been the point where the show began to get too "forulaic" for my tastes, compared to much of the 2 previous seasons.
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« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2025, 04:19:01 AM »

Have you watched Étude in Black yet? That's probably my favourite episode. There's just something about the build up, acting and dialogue in the "suppose it was you" scene that made me realise the writers and Peter Faulk were true geniuses.

I'm doing all these in order!  Scroll back to the beginning of Season 2 for my review.
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« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2025, 01:46:04 PM »

Have you considered ordering some DVD boxes with better quality spindles or sleeves to replace the ones that aren't up to par? You could probably get something like that online very cheap.
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