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Australian comics blog

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Australian comics blog
« on: October 26, 2023, 04:18:46 AM »

Looking for info about Terry Murphy I stumbled across the Pikita Press blog, devoted to classic Australian comics. Sadly the blog seems dead, but it features several years' worth of posts about Golden Age Aussie comics. Lots of cover and first-page scans as well as newspaper and magazine strips. If you haven't seen it, give it a look:
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paw broon

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Re: Australian comics blog
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2024, 02:48:51 PM »

I'm re-booting this Aus blog section as we have so many Australian (and NZ) comics on site now.  And because Downunder Dan has raised some interesting questions.
True Navy Combat #3.  Dan notes that the date is seldom printed on covers and while it is relatively unusual there are some titles which regularly featured the date on the cover.  Brick Bradford Adventures certainly did. "32 pages giant issue" priced 1/- (There is a NZ version of BB also - upright cover, landscape interiors. The NZ price started at 6d, increased to 7d and by 1953 was 8d.  Published by Feature Publications Wellington.)
Checking my copy of the A-Z of Australian comics, which is by no means complete, there are a couple of other titles with cover dates. True Navy Combat isn't listed, neither is Sea Battles Giant Comic. Can't help with the art, I'm afraid.
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Downunder Dan

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Re: Australian comics blog
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2024, 01:02:05 PM »

I've had a wander through the Pikitia Press site. There's a lot of Australian and New Zealand material, but only a few full comics, most of which are already on Comic Book Plus (like stories from Jet Fury 15 & 17, Devil Doone 26, Crimson Comet 10) - and two stories identified as being from Sea Battles Giant Comic, identified as being by Virgil Reilly, which I confirmed from info in the AusReprints site (which is currently erratic - James Zanotto is working on getting it functional again), including the original publication issue.

Paw - it's possible that True Navy Combat may be listed as just Navy Combat. There was a comic series called Comics Library, for most of its run circulated between three second-level titles: Navy Combat, Warfront and Fighting Fronts. Navy Combat was original Aussie content, the other two US reprints. It appears they added True to Navy Combat when they rebooted it as a new series.

What might be useful is to develop a list of online and hardcopy sources of information on Australian and New Zealand comics for those looking into these two comics environments that have a fair amount of crossover of creators, titles, and so on. There are links off to the US (mostly coming in, but Kazanda is by a NZ artist, published in Australia, and re-edited and published in the US); the UK; and Brazil (with some Frew comics republished and extra stories added in Brazil).

I'll have an initial go in the next couple of days, which people can add to.

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The Australian Panther

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Re: Australian comics blog
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2024, 12:42:24 AM »


In the Forum list of threads, Under 'COMIC AND BOOK RELATED' there is a thread, 'Blog and Site Links' that would be be place for a subthread, 'Australian blogs and site links.'
That thread could do with some updating anyway.

Comic Book Plus Forum - Blog & Site Links

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Downunder Dan

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Re: Australian comics blog
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2024, 02:47:55 AM »

Always happy to conform to the existing arrangements! I'll be uploading comics later today, and will hopefully have at least a beginning of list of online and physical resources on Australian and New Zealand comics.

It's probably best to have anew thread, because the first post could be updated so that a consolidated list of resources available at the start.
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