I'm currently reading my latest purchases:
Two great graphic novels by two outstanding European comic artists:
François BourgeonLes Compagnons du crépuscule (The Companions of the Dusk)
1. Le sortilège du bois des brumes (1983)
2. Les yeux d'étain de la ville glauque (1986)
3. Le dernier chant des Malaterre (1990)
Unfortunately, I don't know whether there is an English translation of these books.
Enki BilalThe Alexander Nikopol Trilogy:
1. La Foire aux immortels (1980, Dargaud; The Carnival of Immortals)
2. La Femme piège (1986, Dargaud; The Woman Trap)
3. Froid Équateur (1992, Les Humanoïdes Associés; Cold Equator)
Publisher Humanoids Publishing
Date 1999 (English edition of the full trilogy)
I bought this comic in the form of six large format hardcover books, used but in very good condition, for a reasonable price.

Francois Bourgeon -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Bourgeon Enki Bilal -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enki_Bilal The Nikopol Trilogy -