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Let's read and review a few random comics

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Let's read and review a few random comics
« on: April 29, 2024, 06:23:44 AM »

So while enjoying my lazy vacation, I figured I'd find a couple of random reads on my favourite comics site.
My favourite comics tend to be superhero or western comics, probably because they remind me of my childhood.

So for round 1 I grabbed two random western comics. Firstly I opened Black Diamond Western 09. This appeared to be an origins story and I was impressed with the pacing: the dialogue was extended beyond what I normally enjoy in a comic but in this tale, it served a good purpose. The origins story began with a key event and then quickly but clearly covered its effects over the next few years with good character development. The artwork probably wasn't as good as some other westerns but was still adequate. A good read this one, I might read at least one more in this series to see if I want to get more invested in it.

My second read was Wyatt Earp 11. This one presented the main characters in a rather shallow way. I doubt many readers needed to be reminded that the Earps had a quick trigger finger, or what their role was. The story arc with two feuding factions was quite good, if somewhat predictable and the artwork was a little higher calibre than Black Diamond in my view. Overall, another decent read and I might read more.
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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2024, 07:18:48 AM »

So today I read two more comics. First was Death Valley 1. This was another western, notably more violent than most of the age. The story attempts to provide a swerve: it discusses a "young boy" who appears to be highly talented but morally questionable - something I feel is unusual for tales of this era but perhaps others can correct me if I'm wrong. The short tale ends with a revelation on who this young man is. This tale was OK but shallow and in my view, not particularly deft in its swerve/origins story.

Next up was Black Terror 5. The Terror and his sidekick engage in a short trip to Moscow via Germany, complete with twists and turns both literally and metaphorically. This tale had a few neat characters but even with the few stories I've read, I feel the BT is somewhat predicable and one-dimensional. his quips and responses to everything already seem repetitive. It was slightly surprising to see Terror in the happy company of a certain Josef Stalin at the end. I can only assume the writers weren't fully aware of what he was responsible for until years later, as this comic was produced before the end of the conflict.
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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024, 09:04:34 AM »

If you want discussion about these books, why don't you take a regular turn as book chooser in The CB+ Reading Group?  Some of us regulars are very busy now, and would likely give you turns, or we could just add you as a regular chooser.  I'm going to be very busy working on translations over the next year or two.  So, I'll welcome choosing less.
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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2024, 11:36:54 AM »

Hi Robb, I'd be happy to do that once in a while to help out. I'm not sure I could do it on a regular basis due to my schedule. Also I'm not as knowledgeable as most others around here.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2024, 12:57:24 PM »

Robb said,

If you want discussion about these books, why don't you take a regular turn as book chooser in The CB+ Reading Group?  Some of us regulars are very busy now, and would likely give you turns, or we could just add you as a regular chooser.

Greg said,
I'd be happy to do that once in a while to help out. I'm not sure I could do it on a regular basis due to my schedule. Also I'm not as knowledgeable as most others around here. 

There is no prerequisite that a contributor to the Reading Group - has to be 'knowledgeable.' There are 4 fortnightly slots and currently only 3 regular contributors. There were 4, but one individual withdrew, so I am keeping the 4th slot as a revolving guest spot. That's working well so far, so Greg, if Robb is happy for you to pinch-hit for him if and when he is absent, please do so. Just keep me informed beforehand.
All you need to do to contribute is to be, like us, a fan and enthusiastic about something you would like to share.
Simple as that. Going back to the beginning of the Reading Group, nearly all the regular contributors used to add comments. It bothers me that the thread seems to be currently seen as somewhat 'exclusive'. That's not the intention. The more posters the merrier as far as I am concerned.

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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2024, 04:21:44 PM »

Hi Robb, I'd be happy to do that once in a while to help out. I'm not sure I could do it on a regular basis due to my schedule. Also I'm not as knowledgeable as most others around here.

Like Panther mentioned,  knowledge of esoteric comics is not required in the slightest,  We're interested in finding out what other comics fans think about, and reading experience they get from reading specific comic books and stories.  There is lots of room for busy ad hoc book choosers to chose only when they are available.  And with only 3 regular choosers, who are also unavailable at times, we can ALWAYS adjust our schedule to allow them to choose whenever they are ready.  So, whenever you read a book and would like to discuss it with others and compare thoughts about it, let us know.
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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2024, 12:51:10 PM »

Thank you, I'd be happy to make a few picks now and then :-)
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Re: Let's read and review a few random comics
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2024, 09:49:40 PM »

Thank you, I'd be happy to make a few picks now and then :-)

Great news!  The more the merrier.  Most of us seem to be starting side projects that have us needing to cut down time devoted to this forum and other free time pursuits.  But, in the case of myself, and some of the others, maybe we'll have new reading entertainment added here, in fanzines, or new publications.
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