Bang on, narfstar. I was at a mart in Glasgow last week. Admission free to a small hall in the University union and a selection of dealers and artists tables, with a good showing of locally produced small press comics. Even better, a half decent cafe where people gravitated for a chat, a moan, a good laugh and to catch up with others only seen at marts.
There were a lot of interesting titles and a big variation in prices. As I had some credit with City Centre Comics, I was able to "buy" a small pile of Dell westerns and an issue of Sea Hunt, all from early 60's. Quite a bit of Jesse Marsh art in the cowboys. I know he's an acquired taste but I enjoy his work. As for Sea Hunt - I have a soft spot for this as it was one of the few shows my dad and I used to watch together. Happy memories. And the comics are really good entertainment.
At another table, I picked up a couple of Charlton westerns with PAM art and a British Saint comic (reprinting american strips). The Saint isn't worth much, a few quid, but it seldom turns up. And I've read a lot of Saint books.
Here we don't see much G.A. stuff and there was none at this mart but there were a few late 50's ACG titles, in beautiful condition, just a bit too pricy for me.
I realise, having written all this that this isn't where it should be posted but I don't want to start again in another section. Delete or move this as you wish.