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Nice to meet you! Thanks for accepting me

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Nice to meet you! Thanks for accepting me
« on: July 18, 2024, 05:28:12 PM »

My name is Tiago and I am 38 years old. I live in Curitiba, Brazil. I currently work as a psychopedagogue with educational psychology for 5 years, supporting studies and promoting the mental and emotional health of University students, here in my city, Curitiba, Paraná. I worked all my life as a high school philosophy teacher. Once I completed my master's degree in education in 2019 and no longer wanted to continue my doctoral studies. So, I started studying Psychology at University.
I really like comics and meeting people and exchanging postcards. My Instagram is: tiago_fraccarolli.
Grettings from Brazil!
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Nice to meet you! Thanks for accepting me
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2024, 01:21:21 AM »

Welcome Tiago! [James?]

I currently work as a psychopedagogue with educational psychology for 5 years, supporting studies and promoting the mental and emotional health of University students, here in my city, Curitiba, Paraná. I worked all my life as a high school philosophy teacher.

I have a postgraduate qualification in TESOL - teaching English as a second language. As part of the research I had to do, I needed to choose a country I would like to work in and research language information - I chose Brazil. I also have a strong interest in Brazilian (and South American) music. Never did get to visit though! 
There is a comic company here in Australia called FREW. They mostly publish the Phantom.
In the 50's they published several 'Phantom derived' characters - The Shadow - Australian version- Sir Falcon and the Phantom Ranger. You may be familiar with them as they were licensed to a Brazilian publisher as well.
Recently some of the Brazilian versions of these characters were republished in Australia.
Here is an article.
Brazilian Themed Giantsize Phantom Comic Book 
CB+ has a non-english section which has some Brazilian comics. We are always looking for more that are PD [Legally in the Public Domain] so we can post them.

When you post or read posts,  above the writing space, to the right of your Avatar is a small yellow menu.
On it you will see 'My messages'. Keep your eye on that. If you see the number #1 beside it, click on the link, someone has sent you a personal message.
Last but not least, we have an active member on CB+ who has had a similar career trajectory to yourself, who may get in touch to compare notes.
Bem-vindo à nossa festa!       
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