Flick (Flip) Falcon in The 4th Dimension
(1) Flick and Adele on Mars
Flick jumps inside his machine's chamber, and is flung into Outer Space, randomly to Mars. His watch has reversed direction, and his own body has flipped from one side to the other, with his heart now on his right side. Ignoring that Flick survives the completely airless trip through Space before arriving at Mars, and the usual Space Fantasy problem of Humans being able to breathe the super-thin, oxygen and nitrogen-poor atmosphere of Mars, the body reversing with the direction of time makes the scenario's acceptance even more unlikely for most readers. A giant grabs him and throws him into a city inhabited by green, 3-armed people. To escape, Flick dives forward, and rolls his body into a ball, to activate moving into The Past. The giant follows him, his hand sticking out of the machine, into Flick's present day laboratory on Earth. Flick turns off the machine to end that danger.
A lot of nonsensical things occur in this story. And absolutely nothing about how the 4th Dimension works or how Flick's machine wrorks is even attempted to be explained. Also, the number of pages is too small to allow room for both fitting in a proper setting, developing characters ,and also developing any kind of plot. So, just as the "story" starts to get interesting, the story ends abruptly, with the reader feeling cheated. That situation is true for every episode in the series.
(2) Flick Returns To Mars
Flick and Adele land on the opposite side of Mars from The 3-Armed invaders, aiming to stop the latter from invading Earth, after failing to convince The US Military leaders that Aliens from Mars plan to attack Earth. There, he meets a large group of "dwarf Martians, and a full-sized Martian woman, both of whom want him to help fight against The 3-Armed invaders. This so-called "Story" is way too short to bring the reader much. It ends abruptly with Flick telling The Martian "Dwarf people" that he will help them fight The invaders.
(3) Power of The Slave Giants' Goddess
Flick and Adele attend a great banquet, at which plans for defeating The Invaders are to be discussed. Adele is chosen to act as The Slave Giants' Goddess, who can break the control The 3-Armed Invaders have on The Giants. On their way to reach The Giants, Flick fights a giant riverine or lake serpent in a swamp. The Dwarfs lead the couple to the Temple of The Giants' Goddess. The worshipping Giants fioght over which of the Stastue of The Goddess, or Adele, is the "REAL" Goddess, and they break the statue. Adele takes it's place on her pedestal, and orders them to obey her commands and stop obeying The Invaders' leaders. Immediately the "Story" ends abruptly.
(4) Flip and Adele in The Land of The Slave Giants
The 3-Armed Invaders see The now-named Flip and Adele, and send Atom Disruptors (not explaining what they are or can do) trying to kill the couple. The Dwarfs' city is destroyed, and Flip and Adele are thrown clear, but are grabbed by a Giant, and toss them into The Invaders' Laboratory, where The Couple find The Invaders' OWN 4th Dimension machine. Flip adjusts its settings, and sends the pair out into Space, where they land on a plant's rings (which is a tiny, flat strip of solid matter, wide only enough for 2 Humans to stand, yet it has gravity to hold them on it. I thought that the scientists by 1940, already knew that the rings of Saturn and Neptune were made of millions of small asteroidal material. Not only is this so ridiculous, but the flat band of matter is moving fast enough for them to notice they are moving towards the host planet. Itr takes them to a large city where they meet robot-like men, each having a large, robot-like claw. They are caught by The Claw Men, and thrown imprisoned in a cage. Although Flip set the date for 1940, to return home, but he landed a million years into the future! The Claw Men are future Humans, but are just skeletons wearing "Life Suits" that provide them a robotic life. Flip grabs his guard's Life Suit, ripping it off him. He tells the dying man to take them to their Time Machine, and send them back to 1940.
A very fanciful story, with more to it than most of the others. But it is still not very well thought out, and even MORE unscientific than the others, IF that is possible.
(5) The Doomed World
Flip and Adele travel to Mercury, after seeing evidence of intelligent life there. And for the first time in the series, the breathing issue is addressed ( to SOME extent (but not a convincing one). The author tells the reader that they are wearing "oxygen suits", - but we see no visual evidence of the "suits". They are completely invisible. The couple reaches the city they saw on their machine's viewing screen, and are met by chicken-like beings. They communicate with Flip through a hat that lets beings read other beings' thoughts, regardless of the languages they speak. Monsters from Mercury's Hot Side, that secrete blazing hot slime from their pours and breathe fire, attack. They carry the heroes to their land. Their heat-resistant suits save them from the intense heat of ther direct rays of the close Sun. However, that isn't believable, because Flips facfe and hands are uncovered, and Adele's are, as well as her arms and legs. They would all be burnt to a crisp, and the rest of their body would, as well, because the space betrween their bodies and their shirts and pants would allow the heat to seep in. I don't think that even a sealed suit of any kind would protect against the 800 degrees Fahrenheit boiling their blood and brains, and all their bodies' cells. That would bring death in a matter of a few seconds. If Humans need thick Sunblock to prevent sunburn in 80 degrees of direct Sunlight from 93 million miles away, think what 800 degree Sunlight would do from 36 million miles. Flip .tabs one of the giant monsters with a sharp bone he found, and miraculously, ALL the other monsters are gone, with no explanation. And Flip walks away, carrying adele, presumably, ALL the way back to the Dark side of Mercury, where The Chicken-People dwell. By the way, temperatures on The Dark Side of the planet can get down to negative 290 Degrees F at the poles at night. Humans could only survive with lead-lined spacesuits in the grey (twilight Area between the Hot and Shade sides of The planet, and keep moving at 3.6 km per hour to stay in a "Safe Zone". They'd need to avoid all but the least radiation. So, of course there should be no life there, and The Heroes would have been killed as soon as they left Earth's atmosphere, but would have died almost instantly even if The 4th Dimension transport took them frm their machine on Earth, directly landing on the planet's surface.
(6) Flip fights against Sir Lucifer
Flip notices as "disturbance" somewhere in The 4th Dimension, and flies there blindly, without knowing what or where it is. What guts! Lucifer, a Giant Demon who destroys planets for entertainment, comes accross Flip, but can't get past ther latter's protective beam. Flip then encircles Lucifer, placing a protection beam completely around the demon, trapping him. Then Flip finds out (we aren't told how) that something is going wrong in his laboratory on earth. A robber has broken in and threatens Adele. Flip returns, just in time to keep the thug from kidnapping her. And the "story" ends with the couple on the roof, gazing out at the stars, with Flip telling Adele that Lucifer is trapped and, at least, temporarily, kept from destroying The Earth.
What does a Human criminal trying to kidnap Adele for ransom have to do with a scientist/adventurer seeking thrills and scientific knowledge in The 4th Dimension???
Weird plot, eh?
(7) Flip Battles The Insect people of Mercury
In this episode, we actually SEE the protective shell of Flip's Dimension Sphere that supposedly protects him like a force field. But the author still doesn't explain how it works. As Flip lands on Mercury, he is attacked by gigantic Insect-Men. Their leader breaks Flip's protective beam, causing him to fall to the ground (but he is still shown to be encircled by his beam. Actually, as we can even see everything, they are in some light, so being in that light, the ground must be quite hot. Flip is saved by a woman half-breed between Earth Human and Mercurian insect, who is their Queen. Yet, she is exactly Flip's size. She tells Flip that he will be her consort (King). Meanwhile, in the lab, Adele notices that Flip's protective beam is broken. Just at the start of Flip's wedding ceremony, Adele sends a super-strong electric charge through The Dimension-Beam. The bolt breaks out through the gap in Flip's beam, and destroys everything around Flip, but he is protected by his
Dimension Sphere. So Flip is saved and returns through the beam. This is the first time Adele does something very important to help him.
(8} A Trip Into The Unknown (Flip & Adele Struggle Versus Mercury's Spider Men)
Flip has created a fluid that reduces any living thing to na very small size. This is like Ibis' magic Wand. He can do anything he wants to do at the drop of a hat! I hate stories that have their heroes perform magic. He shows Adele a tiny horse he shrunk. This is a sequel to the story of the dragon-like Heidites of Mercury, in which Flip and Adele travel back to Mercury to shrink The Heidites to help the Human-like Mercurians, but, something goes wrong, and they land on a different planet in a so-called "different Universe. Why complicate things using a different universe? Why not have it be just a different solar system? Do we have a recent Brooklyn High School dropout who doesn't know what The Earth's Solar System is, or what our Universe is? They come across large cannibal plants and get grabbed by one. Flip grabs his bottle of shrinking fluid and shrinks it. Then, they encounter giant Spider-Men, who wrap their web strands around The Heroes, trapping them in cocoons. But they shrink themselves to come free from their cocoons and climb out. They find some roots that contain large amounts of iodine, which just happens to be the antidote to the shrinking fluid. They grow well past their natural size, scaring The Spider-Men away. But then they are attacked by Monster bats, and the episode ends with a lot of suspense (for the first time in the series).
(9) Flip Travels Back in Time to Save The Amazons from Invaders
In this episode, Flip's assistant and ladyfriend is now named Peg, and looks to be a different character, with
golden, rather than yellow (blonde) hair. Flip travels back in time to The Amazon Rainforest, during The 16th Century to find The Amazons (Female warrior tribe) described by Spanish explorer, Francisco de Orellana. Apparently the author didn't know that it was The Greeks who first wrote about the legendary, warlike, female Amazon tribe they encountered in Eastern Anatolia and Transcaucasia, during the 5th and 4th Centuries BCE, who were a nomadic Steppe Grasslands tribe. Whereas, Historians thought the same in 1940 as we do now, that Orellana only called them Amazons because their warriors (who were msale) had unusually long hair. Archaeologists and historians, after finding many graves with female warriors found buried with weapons of war and horses, along with male warriors, believe the real Amazons that spurred the Greek legends were Scythian sub-tribes who were so hard pressed by other hostile steppe nomadic tribes that they needed every warrior they could get, and so trained theirt women in combat, to help protrect their children and camps when their male warriors were away. There is a legend that a band of Scythians had all their warrior men wiped out in a battle, and their women trained to fight using what weapons were left, and were able to defend themselves and their children against other tribes.
In this episode, Flip helps The Amazons against Spanish attackers, and The female warriors reciprocate by rescuing Flip when he is captured by The Spaniards, Knowing the future, Flip warns The Amazons to relocate to much deeper into the forest, to avoid being seen by the foreign invaders, who will continue coming in ever larger numbers.
I find it interesting that The Amazons were shown as "Caucasians", and not native South Americans, with darker skin and perfectly straight, jet-black hair and rounded heads of the actual Amazonian
tribes. The author depicted people looking more like the ancient Scythians. So why didn't he have Flip visiting eastern Anatolia (Turkey) or Transcaucasia, southern Ukraine or Turkmenistan or Khazakstan?
(10) Flip Travels back to The in The 18th Century, to Find Hidden Pirate Gold
This story is a bit different in that it uses a good deed for WWII war orphans already in need in real life BEFORE USA joined as a military participant. A head of a welfare organisation approaches Flip, asking him to find centuries lost pirate treasure to use for that purpose. Flip travels back to 18th Century Florida, and gets captured by pirates burying a treasure chest. To get away from danger, he leaves there through the power ogf his machine. We don't see him activate the power (no remote control device). So we have more unexplained magic here. His disappearing makes the remaining pirates think he was The Devil, so they jump off a cliff into the sea (perhaps to drown).
(11) Flip Travels Back Millions of Years, To The "Caveman Days"
Of course, a 1940 Science Fantasy (with the emphasis on Fantasy) is going to have Humans living in the time of Dinosaurs. Flip travels back 1 million years for a univenrsity professor, to find out what life for Humkans was like then. Only being off by about 64-65 million years. Not bad science, eh? A Brontosaurus only 1million years ago. That's a lot more than 66 million years off. It's over 100 million years off.