romance on the battlefield
Well not quite, but there are stories on site featuring soldiers on the battlefield receiving 'Dear John' letters and Romance comics from the opposite point of view, women at home doubting their missing soldier sweethearts. Clearly there was quite an audience for that during the war years. Funny Animals go to War
I don't know about comics, (Robb would know) but there were animated funny animal war cartoons.
Here is Daffy Duck
Daffy - The Commando (Restored)
And here is Dr. Seuss and Chuck Jones!
and here is Disney! Documentary.
DISNEY AT WAR: A Forgotten Era of Propaganda & Desperation
Be careful what you ask for!
Old West Cowboys vs. Hitler Well we have 'Cowboys in Space' and 'Cowboys versus Aliens' so that's got to be out there somewhere!
Yes, The US had the animation studios make soldier training films and general propaganda films. and instruction films on saving used items that could be used towards the war effort, as well as buying War Bonds, to help finance that effort. Canada had some films like that, as well, and Disney made several films for Canada and USA at the same time, changing only a small amount of text or voiceovers to adapt them to reflect Canada's needs.
Of course there were many funny animal comics that had their heroes defeating Hitler and Tojo in funny ways. Mighty Mouse, SuperMouse, Super Rabbit, Super Duck, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Woody Woodpecker, Hoppy, The Marvel Bunny, etc. Some fought fantasy Fascist dictators of non-real animal-populated countries. Of course, many of the best of those stories, also with the best artwork, were issued by companies that have held them under copyright up till today, so they are not in The public Domain, and not on CB+, so we can't show examples of them on this forum. Those include Disney, WB, MGM, Walter Lantz all on Dell Comics), and also DC, Marvel, and Paul Terry Productions(Mighty Mouse and Gandy Goose). Luckily, Ned Pines' "SuperMouse", and even Archie Series' "Super Duck" are both in The P.D.. Unfortunately, "Hoppy, The Marvel Bunny" is NOT, due to DC having won their lawsuit against Fawcett over "Captain Marvel", and they included "Hoppy" as part of "The Marvel Family", and kept up that copyright.
I will post some front covers and pages showing anthropomorphic animal people fighting The Axis Powers' soldiers and political leaders during WWII from CB+s P.D. comic books from The War Years, below:
(1) Here is Stenchy Skunk, a patriotic American fighting against an attempted Nutzi takeover of his country by the foreign dictator waging a World War to conquer The entire World, Der Fuehrabbit Hitbunny (Adolf Hitler parody). The Daffy Duck style Duck with the Swastica armband is Der Fuerabbit's right=hand man.
Stenchy is using his only power, the power of a super-strong stink to foil him! It is from Croydon's "Variety Comics 1". It was a 1945 story drawn by Ellis "Holly" Chambers.

(2) Here is MLJ's "Super Duck", on the cover of "Super Duck Comics 1", from 1944, both this front cover, and his inside story were drawn by Joe Edwards. Super Duck is taking shrunken Japan's Emperor Hirohito, and Adolf Hitler out into Space, ostensibly to get those two troublemakers off The Earth, so they won't be able to make any more trouble. Super Duck appeared in stories in 7 issues of MLJ's "Jolly Jingles" from 1942 to 1944, before his own series started.

(3) Here is the cover of Orbit/Wanted's "Taffy Comics 2", from 1945, drawn by prolific cover artist, L. B. Cole.
it depicts Wiggles, The Wonderworm, pushing back Der Feuhrer, Sooper Dooper Ant (another Hitler parody), who threatened to have his ant armies take over The World. Wiggles was the only worm superhero in comics. Strangely, he has "legs", but no feet.

(4) Here is "The Victory Bug", from Robert Farrell's Four Star Publications' "Great American Comics 1" from 1945. It was drawn by Ronald Marcus. This page shows Cosmo, "The Victory Bug" chastising Adolf Hitler for his war crimes against Humanity, and leaves the criminal to his fate, in the hands of The Devil (heavy subject). This book was a public service (education for the child readers). The following issue (No. 2) was about The Allies' plan for The Reconstruction of Europe after The War would end.

(5) Here is "B-29" and his friends dive bombing and stinging a Japanese spy, on American soil, whose caricature is similar to that of General Tojo. It is a page from Spotlight Comics' "Latest Comics 2" from 1945. The drawing credit says on JCA (Jason Comic Art). The artwork looks very like Bill Hudson's work, and he is credited with the books last story. The bees sting all the Japanese soldiers that landed with the spies. And afterwards, flies attack them, bringing a lethal disease to infect their sting wounds. Wow! They didn't spare their young readers the grim realities of that horrible war.

(6) Here is SuperMouse (who actually started in Comics BEFORE Mighty Mouse) in Ned Pines' Nedor Publishing's "Coo Coo Comics 6", from 1943. It was written by Richard Hughes, and drawn by Milt Stein. The page shows SuperMouse, who flew all the way to Germany, punching out the Rat, Hitler, and his mice henchmen, and having taken back his lucky charm (The Luck Worm), which was stolen by German spies because Hitler thought its luck was the reason that The Americans were defeating The Germans in every battle (At the time the story was written, early 1943, The US Army was chasing The German Army eastward into Tunisia, or maybe Libya).

(7) Here is "Hoppy, The Marvel Bunny", in "Fawcett's Funny Animals 1" from 1942. It was drawn by Chad Grothkopf. The page shows Hoppy, having said the word "Shazam", and turned into the superhero, "The Marvel Bunny", beating up some Nazi soldiers, who had invaded US soil, and kicking them away from their spies' hideout, which was a food processing factory planned to feed their invasion army that is planned to come soon. After beating them all unconscious, Hoppy dumps all the German spies and soldiers into the "hopper" of the food canning machine. We don't see them all get chopped up into small pieces, or turned into a puree. But we KNOW that they had to have been, as they come out of the machine in the form of bologna sausages, boxes of rat poison, and as liquid in bottles of castor oil!!! What would Dr. Wertham say about this book??? Incredible that they allowed this depicted in a book aimed at 6-8 year olds. But these were our enemies, who committed gruesome atrocities against innocent people. So, I guess they felt it was acceptable to teach their young kids to HATE The Germans and Japanese.

Of course, there were several more P.D. funny animal comic books that depicted the reader's country in a World War against funny animal Germany, Italy, and Japan, heavily stereotyping and mocking them, or from made-up countries that are clones of the real US enemies. But, I can't remember which series or books they are in, and, in any case, as this side topic is barely tangential to the thread's main spirit, I wouldn't want to take over the thread with more scans and commentary. Really, this subtopic would deserve a thread of its own. and in a way, cheated me out of choosing it for my turn, when I often run out of ideas for new threads, and also avoid funny animal topics because most of the posters would be bored to death if I chose them more than once in a great while.