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From a Swede, for the Swede

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From a Swede, for the Swede
« on: March 17, 2025, 03:03:10 PM »

Just introducing myself, my name is Rick Lundeen, and I've been collecting comics for 50 years, and creating them for over 30. Although I've distributed a lot of comics back in the day through Diamond, that got to be overloaded and pricey years ago. So I switched over to print on demand. I actually did better sales wise--100 times better--with Diamond, but the self publishing through POD at least cuts out a middle man.
Now I'm at the point where I've settled on one of my more popular characters, who I've enjoyed expanding on his exploits.
He's known as The Swede, an assassin who actually prefers using his hands and his wits when taking out his targets. I've published three volumes on Amazon and my initial influence was Darwyn Cooke. LOVED that man's work. So this was a bit of an homage to him when things started and now, well, I enjoy putting the Swede into different scenarios, different assignments. Over on "thekillerswede" site, I've added the first three books, but starting later this year, I'm going to start adding chapters each month. I'd appreciate any thoughts. not sure if I'm allowed to post up the whole address for thekillerswede here, but I'd imagine people can figure out the rest.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: From a Swede, for the Swede
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2025, 08:25:12 PM »

Welcome rickjlundeen.
I'd change your profile to just your name and not your email address. Not wise to have that on the open forum. Invitation to hacking and spam.
Good to have you here.
Can't see any reason why you can't post the link to your work here.
Sounds like something I would like to have a look at.
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paw broon

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Re: From a Swede, for the Swede
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2025, 05:03:45 PM »

Welcome Rick.  Good to have you here on CB+. We have a section where you can place info on your projects:-
our Shameless Self Promotion section.
I wonder though, if you are selling via POD, wont having the books available for all and sundry to read free on the site, harm your income? I've read 1 & 2 already and had a look at the Russian adventure.
The Swede slightly reminded me of The Grey Man books.
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Re: From a Swede, for the Swede
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2025, 05:58:58 PM »

Välkommen till vårt forum, Rick!  Vi har massor av gamla serietidningar att välja mellan.  Jag är säker på att du kommer att ha många timmars läsglädje.
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