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topic icon Author Topic: wonder  (Read 3135 times)


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« on: March 06, 2011, 12:28:17 AM »

This section shows the limits the admin has imposed on you for downloading files. The bandwidth limit is the total size allowed for all of your downloads. The file limits show the total number of files you are allowed to download. The times show how long you have before these limits expire or are reset. If either of your limits reaches zero you will not be able to download files.
Reset limits is off. When either of your limits reach zero you will not be allowed to download any more files

why won't I be able to download any more comics when my bandwidth and why is the reset limit off?
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  • VIP
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Re: wonder
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 12:47:07 AM »

This section shows the limits the admin has imposed on you for downloading files. The bandwidth limit is the total size allowed for all of your downloads. The file limits show the total number of files you are allowed to download. The times show how long you have before these limits expire or are reset. If either of your limits reaches zero you will not be able to download files.
Reset limits is off. When either of your limits reach zero you will not be allowed to download any more files

why won't I be able to download any more comics when my bandwidth and why is the reset limit off?

Why are you breaking our bowling balls over this?!  ??? ??? ???

I personally loaded you up the last time you asked, and you haven't even used up anything near what was loaded. I hear you. We all hear you. Everything has been accounted for and guess what -- we've heard you. Honest. As must as you are on us, we are taking ourselves to task and I can tell you that things are being worked on. People are being paid to bring about a newer improved BETTER system. Models will be in place that will enable members that choose to, to be able to download to their heart's content.

Until then, all I can ask you to be patient. Keep in touch. Post. Let us know when you need more downloads.

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Re: wonder
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 05:24:20 AM »

No I thought wouldent be able to download any more comics ever when it reached to zero, that's what the impression I got*L*!

sorry english isent my native language and sorry if I did anything to offend I apologize, it is not my intention to do so!
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  • VIP
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Re: wonder
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 05:27:08 AM »

No I thought wouldent be able to download any more comics ever when it reached to zero, that's what the impression I got*L*!

sorry english isent my native language and sorry if I did anything to offend I apologize, it is not my intention to do so!

Rest assured that we will not leave you or other members high and dry. We want people to download comics and I personally will not be happy unless people are downloading.

A revamp is is taking time, but we will have a streamlined site that works better.

Again, no (or any other member) needs to download, let us know.

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Mission: Our mission is to present free of charge, and to the widest audience, popular cultural works of the past. These are offered as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. They reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. We do not endorse these views, which may contain content offensive to modern users.

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