When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the memory of error which has connected them with another time and place of ill remorse,
sometimes a change can make a difference and help to propel that individual to a victorious summit where that one might find a degree of solace and success in their endeavors
and thus discover a new free reign in which to live, move, and travel...away from a past which haunts.
Thus I have taken it upon myself to attempt a climb from the mirey depths of self introspection and as tools continue to evolve I may yet again at a later time repeat the process as seems fit for the moment.
So for those that frequent this board and retain memory of old posts and events you may know of which I speak.
And for those newbies that may have just arrived of late, merely enjoy this, yet another edition to your library.
So, without furthur adieu, I bring you the new and improved product live off the stands and now residing in the FTP...from the original pages & c2c...
KO Komics Vol.1
bought to you as a public service announcement via a second cup of java