Oh, yeah, my gut (well, my subconscious anyway) tells me that such and such drew it, then I consciously start analyzing the art to be sure.
A while back I was indexing a Golden Comics Digest for the GCD, and I was reading this Barney Bear and Benny Burro story when my subconscious said, "Carl Barks."
What? This can't be Barks, it's not a Donald Duck story or even Disney Characters!
"Carl Barks."
Now I've never been a Barks art spotter, although I had recently read a collection of just Barks' Duck stories, so I tried to remember what had stood out in those stories (in particular more shading lines than usual) and it seemed similar. The story also felt like a Duck story (Donald & Barney both have tempers). But the thing that cemented it was a shot of Barney & Benny driving and the pose of the silhouetted car in the mid-ground looked almost exactly like a shot of Donald in his car.
So then I pulled out my books on comics & comics history and found a reference stating that Barks did indeed work on the Benny Burro series. So yeah, my subconscious seemed to know what it was talking about there.
Of course my subconscious isn't perfect (the DeCarlo drawalikes can often fool it) so analyzing the work for specific tells is just a way of double-checking my instinctive reaction.