[Chic Young
[Cliff Young
[Rick Yager
[Bill Ziegler
[Louis Zansky
[Bill Zaboly
A very admirable effort Palooka slim. You should check with the on-line Who's Who (
http://www.bailsprojects.com/) for spelling and additions. You'd discover that while Cliff Young has comic book credits, Chic Young does not. And there are lots more names than most of us are familiar with. For instance, on the Z's, you could add:
[Les Zakarin (who used to work with John Romita in the early 1950s)
[Peggy Zangerle
[William Zeller
[Dan Zolnerowich
[Ruben Zuboffsky
[Lillian Zuckerberg
[Stanley Maxwell Zuckerberg
[Nick Zuraw
And it's always great to hear NEW names (like Bill Zaboly). Do you have some credit for him? Every single addition to the role of comic creators is especially welcome at this stage of the research.
And you can use the online WW to doublecheck your spelling, too. A quick glance at the A entries reveals:
It's Rafael Astarita
And "Austin Adams" does not exist. It was actually "Adam Austin" and it was a pen name for Gene Colan.
Keep plugging (and refining). It would be nice to have a complete listing. (and which date are YOU using to define the GA?)
Peace, Jim (|:{>
ps. While modifying this, I hit "Three Days" on my total login time of GACUK. A milestone.