I've recently started teaching English to Japanese students in our Faculty of Manga at Kyoto Seika University, and got the clever idea of a course with a horror theme. (Since last year I've already been teaching one with a superhero theme.) I want to do it the way I do my superhero course, working my way from the Golden Age up to the present. The problem is, I just haven't read a lot of horror comics! Naturally I've read some E.C. horror, but apart from that, I don't know very much. Short stories are best, as are stories that are more or less coherent and not horribly written. Stories worth reading just because there are hilariously awful or goofy are very much welcome, but high quality stories would be great, too. And of course, stories available here on Comic Book + would make things that much easier for me, but I'm also looking for stuff from the Silver and Bronze Ages.