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Catalan Language Books

En Patufet

Thumbnail for En Patufet
Title:En Patufet
Issues Available:52
Latest Issue:En Patufet 54 | Uploaded: Aug 29, 2014
Categories:Children/Teenagers | Adventure | Humor
Publication History: Dates: -
En Patufet was an illustrated children's magazine, written in Catalan, published in Barcelona (Catalonia), between 1904 and 1938. Later, between 1968 and 1973, was resumed under the name Patufet. It had a great popularity to the point that the word patufet was used generically to refer to the illustrated magazines for children, now called comics. It was the Catalan weekly magazine with more circulation (65,000) and more readers weekly (325,000). The figure of Patufet on the magazine was first drawn by Antoni Muntanyola. Source: wikipedia
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Historia i Llegenda

Thumbnail for Historia i Llegenda
Title:Historia i Llegenda
Issues Available:28
Latest Issue:Història i llegenda 28 - Fra Joan Garí | Uploaded: Jun 11, 2014
Categories:Non-fiction | Classic Tales
Catalan language series with adaptations of historical events. Landscape
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