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Atomic/H Bomb
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Book Cover For The H Bomb And YOU
The H Bomb And YOU (4 of 5)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By mwb1
Poor scan quality. Interesting content.
   By wildside
Scans are terrible, unfortunately. Interesting despite the quality issue.
   By RickDeckard525
It's not that bad! *don't worry Narf, I've got your back!*
   By crashryan
Jack Sparling strikes again...though this time he slicks up his lead character faces (especially in the earlier pages) so they don't look so much like his work. (I admit someone else might have worked on the book too, but Sparling seems almost always to have worked alone).
   By DocW948
I have RE-read the 4 1950's comics about nuclear warfare. Is there anyone out there who has that CCCP comic book we were shown while posted in Europe that assured Russian teens that the Yanks were definitely going to launch first and with no warning?
   By armando
Fenomenal, gracias por vuestra labor .
Additional Information
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
November 5th, 1954

Fellow Marylanders,

Even though we hope and pray we will never be subjected to an enemy attack, we must continually prepare ourselves for the worst.

Keeping ourselves informed about the basic techniques for surviving an enemy onslaught can do much to alleviate any blow that might come.

Preparation will help prevent panic, create order among those who must maintain order and instill in each of us the will to go on to victory.

We have every reason to believe that if we are well prepared to withstand an enemy attack, this fact in itself will deter any would be aggressor.

I hope more and more of us will familiarize ourselves with the problems of Civil Defense as time advances.


Theodore R. McKeldin

Sample Extract

"I have a question. Just what chance does a fellow have to survive the H-Bomb?"

"Probably much better than you think ... especially if you know what to do, survival depends upon a lor of things. This chart shows the probable area of destruction ... "
  • 3 Miles - Total Destruction
  • 7 Miles - Heavy Damage
  • 10 Miles - Light Damage
"In addition to damage near the point of explosion, an unseen, unheard and odorless 'Fall-Out' of radioactive material might endanger people at some distance from the blast!
You can see the importance of knowing local policy and following Civil Defense instructions if you are to survive the H-Bomb's blast, heat, radiation and radioactive fall-out!"
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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