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Amazing Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Ralph 124C41+ - Hugo Gernsback

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Amazing Stories Quarterly
Date | Number: v2 1 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Amazing Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Ralph 124C41+ - Hugo Gernsback
Amazing Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Ralph 124C41+ - Hugo Gernsback (5 of 20)
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Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.50 | Pages: 148 | Cover Artist: Frank R. Paul
PublisherExperimenter Publishing Co. | Editor : Hugo Gernsback
  • Pages run 1-144.
  • Contents page states a publication date of 20 January.
  • Cover illustrates "The Beast-Men of Ceres."
  • Cover art is not credited; no visible signature on the artwork. Credit per Stephen D. Korshak's From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul.
  • None of the interior art is credited.
  • Story art for "Ralph 124C41+" on page 5 is signed "Paul"; the other art in the story (pages 9, 12, 14, 17, 20, 26, 34, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, and 51) shows no signature.
  • Story art for "The Seventh Generation," "The Evolutionary Monstrosity," "The Murgatroyd Experiment," "The Beast-Men of Ceres," and "The Hollister Experiment" is signed "Paul."
  • Story art for "What the Sodium Lines Revealed" on pp. 121 and 132 is signed "Paul"; that on pg. 127 has no visible signature.
  • "Your Viewpoint" is a letters column.
  • "Editorials from Our Readers" also consists of reader letters, but these generally include no response from the Editor.
  • Bleiler (Gernsback) (magazine section, page 564) states: "Also 'Editorials from Our Readers' including authors L. Taylor Hudson, Judson W. Reeves (pseud. Aladra Septama), and Jack Williamson. Letter from 'John W. Reeves' of the same address as Judson W. Reeves, above, and presumably the same person." This last mentioned letter is part of the "Your Viewpoint" column but is not entered here as content due to uncertainty of authorship.
Page: 3Why We Believe in Scientifiction - essay by Frederick Dundas Stewart
Page: 4Ralph 124C41+ (Complete Novel) - serial by Hugo Gernsback
Page: 4Ralph 124C41+ - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 54The Seventh Generation - by Harl Vincent
Page: 54The Seventh Generation - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 70The Evolutionary Monstrosity - by Clare Winger Harris
Page: 70The Evolutionary Monstrosity - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 78The Murgatroyd Experiment - by Captain S. P. Meek, U.S.A.
Page: 78The Murgatroyd Experiment - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 90The Beast-Men of Ceres - by Aladra Septama
Page: 90The Beast-Men of Ceres - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 112The Hollister Experiment - by Walter Kateley
Page: 112The Hollister Experiment - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 120What the Sodium Lines Revealed - by L. Taylor Hansen
Page: 120What the Sodium Lines Revealed - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 138|138.1Your Viewpoint (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929) - essay by various
Page: 138|138.2Letter (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929): A Contribution from a Reader Who Wants Romance Left Out of Our Stories - essay by John Pierce
Page: 139|139.1Editorials from Our Readers (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929) - essay by various
Page: 139|139.2Letter (The Prophecies of Science) - essay by Judson W. Reeves
Page: 140|140.1Letter (The Amazing Work of Wells and Verne) - essay by Jack Williamson
Page: 140|140.2Letter (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929): Scientifiction and Literature - essay by Harold Donitz
Page: 141Letter (Literature—the Mirror of Knowledge or Scientifiction—the Mirror of Our Age) - essay by L. Taylor Hansen
Page: 143Letter (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929): Some Interesting Criticisms of Our Authors' Stories - essay by James Suiter
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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