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Amazing Stories v2 1 - The Plague of the Living Dead - A. Hyatt Verrill

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Amazing Stories
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Book Cover For Amazing Stories v2 1 - The Plague of the Living Dead - A. Hyatt Verrill
Amazing Stories v2 1 - The Plague of the Living Dead - A. Hyatt Verrill (13 of 167)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.25 | Pages: 96 | Cover Artist: Frank R. Paul
PublisherExperimenter Publishing Co. | Editor : Hugo Gernsback
Notes Mar. 1927←Apr. 1927→May 1927
Vol 2, No 1.
Library of Congress copyright record shows publication date 1927-03-05 Illustrators from Bleiler (Gernsback) author/story section.
Page numbers from Day (Index to Science-Fiction Magazines 1926-1950).
"The Man in the Room" reprinted from The Achievements of Luther Trant (1910), with earlier periodical publications.
Not science-fiction, but detective story. William MacHarg not Wm. B. MacHarg in Bleiler (G).
Listed as and by William B. MacHarg not Wm. B. MacHarg Day (Index to Science-Fiction Magazines 1926-1950).
Cover illustrates "The Man in the Room"
Page: 5The Most Amazing Thing - essay by Hugo Gernsback
Page: 6The Plague of the Living Dead - by A. Hyatt Verrill
Page: 6The Plague of the Living Dead - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 21The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes - by H. G. Wells
Page: 21The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes - interior artwork by Dean
Page: 25John Jones's Dollar - by Harry Stephen Keeler
Page: 25John Jones's Dollar - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 30The White Gold Pirate - by Merlin Moore Taylor
Page: 30The White Gold Pirate - interior artwork by F. S. Hynd
Page: 42Readers' Vote of Preference (Amazing Stories, April 1927) - essay by uncredited
Page: 43The Man in the Room - by William B. MacHarg
Page: 43The Man in the Room - by Edwin Balmer
Page: 43The Man in the Room - interior artwork by Dean
Page: 43The Man in the Room - interior artwork by Dean
Page: 52The Automatic Self Serving Dining Table - by Henry Hugh Simmons
Page: 52The Automatic Self Serving Dining Table - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 58The Balloon-Hoax - by Edgar Allan Poe
Page: 58The Balloon-Hoax - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 63Superstar - poem by Leland S. Copeland
Page: 64The Land That Time Forgot (Part 3 of 3) - serial by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Page: 64The Land That Time Forgot (Part 3 of 3) - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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