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Planet Stories v3 2 - The Blue Venus - Emmett McDowell

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Planet Stories
Date | Number: v3 2 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Planet Stories v3 2 - The Blue Venus - Emmett McDowell
Planet Stories v3 2 - The Blue Venus - Emmett McDowell (26 of 71)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By josemas
Contains illos by Joe Doolin, A. C. Hollingsworth and, if I'm not mistaken, some very early work by Murphy Anderson.
Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.20 | Pages: 132 | Cover Artist: Parkhurst
PublisherLove Romances Publishing Co., Inc. | Editor : Chester Whitehorn
  • Data from Internet Archive scan
  • Publication month from Ashley's "The Time Machines".
  • Volume III, No. 2
  • Credit artist per The FictionMags Index. Artist is not credited on ToC page like normal.
  • "PS's Feature Flash" is given as "P.S.'s Feature Flash" in the ToC
  • Some stories have small untitled artwork at the end the story (after a divider). These appear to be decorative and not part of the story art.
  • Murphy's artwork is credited as "Illustrated by Murphy", but signed "C. A. Murphy"
  • Anderson's artwork is signed with just Anderson, but it looks like Murphy Anderson's signature
  • "The Vizigraph" is signed "C. W.". It has been entered using editor's full name.
  • "Most Horred Offince" is spelling per pub
Page: 2Engines of the Gods - by Gardner F. Fox
Page: 3Engines of the Gods - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 9Engines of the Gods [2] - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 29untitled - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 30Survival - by Basil Wells
Page: 31Survival - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 41untitled [2] - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 42Defense Mech - by Ray Bradbury
Page: 43Defense Mech - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 47PS's Feature Flash (Planet Stories, Spring 1946) - essay by Walter Dunkelberger
Page: 50What Hath Me? - by Henry Kuttner
Page: 51What Hath Me? - interior artwork by Hollingsworth
Page: 57What Hath Me? [2] - interior artwork by Hollingsworth
Page: 70Electron Eat Electron - by Noel Loomis
Page: 71Electron Eat Electron - interior artwork by Martin (III)
Page: 78untitled - interior artwork by Anderson (II)
Page: 79Crisis on Titan - by James R. Adams
Page: 80Crisis on Titan - interior artwork by Petrizzo
Page: 83"Captain Staley's arms snapped back like a baseball pitcher's." - short story by Anderson (II)
Page: 86untitled [2] - short story by Anderson (II)
Page: 87Cartoon: "Pa! Come Quick! I've made a discovery!! This creature is transparent!!" - interior artwork by Guy Gifford
Page: 88The Blue Venus - by Emmett McDowell
Page: 88The Blue Venus - interior artwork by Murphy
Page: 93The Blue Venus [2] - interior artwork by Murphy
Page: 118|118.1The Vizigraph - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 118|118.2The Vizigraph (Planet Stories, Spring 1946) - essay by Chester Whitehorn
Page: 118|118.3Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): On Speed and Time - essay by Arthur J. Bryant
Page: 119|119.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): More Speed - essay by Bill Oberfield
Page: 119|119.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Of Waves and Waves - essay by Walter A. Coslet
Page: 120|120.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): One Foggy Fan - essay by Marvin Maxwell
Page: 120|120.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Friction on the Eyes - essay by Robert A. Bradley
Page: 121|121.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Gulliver - essay by Joseph M. Wilson
Page: 121|121.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Most Horred Offince - essay by Bill Groover
Page: 122|122.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Give the Boy a Rocket Ship - essay by Bransford Littleton
Page: 122|122.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Yes, Buzz Off - essay by Peter Trower
Page: 122|122.3Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): In This Corner—Mr. Alnutt - essay by Richard A. Alnutt
Page: 123|123.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Point Prover - essay by Al Weinstein
Page: 123|123.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Oh! You Masher! - essay by Grace Masher
Page: 123|123.3Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Miss Bronx Says— - essay by Rose Jacobowitz
Page: 124|124.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): O.K. Guys Get—Together! - essay by E. S. Wranek
Page: 124|124.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Poor Circulation - essay by Millard Grimes
Page: 125|125.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Grab Him, Gals - essay by Lawrence Collison
Page: 125|125.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Monster-Minded - essay by Gerry Williams
Page: 125|125.3Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): A Hearty Burp - essay by Joe Kennedy
Page: 126|126.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Happy Genius Returns - essay by Milt Lesser
Page: 126|126.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): New Fan - essay by Mildred A. Ward
Page: 127|127.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): A Well-Wisher - essay by A. Saunders
Page: 127|127.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Saver of Women - essay by Guy Trucano, Jr.
Page: 128|128.1Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): One of Your Favorites - essay by Basil Wells
Page: 128|128.3Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): # ? ( ) $ - essay by Howard Gabriel
Page: 128|128.2Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1946): Friendly Fem Fan - essay by Gloria Erickson
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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